Vanity is a plague of devolution of the human condition. I ponder the groomed stars of the play acting troopes of the globe in they are not Sir Lawrence Olivier of talent pools, but pooled together sexual deviants who arose by arousal to the core of multi millionaire bank accounts with not the talent a chimpanze has for pealing fruit.
Rush Limbaugh, Chris Matthews, Bill O'Reilly, Chris Wallace are all such scripted primates. What was the great format of Mike Wallace, Edward R. Murrow or Barbara Walters, but creating a Barack Hussein Obama illusion that this arrogrant ass so offensive was more gifted than those whom they preyed upon.
The reality is the icons of news were nothing about news, but about being pompous bores with delusions of godhood.
I was pondering in this, the One Eyed Jack. That would be Lord Nelson, who has claim laid to him as the best warrior of the sea produced.
Lord Nelon upon his death at Trafalgar in overseeing the defeat of the Spanish and French navies, was nothing which could be scripted nor anything which would fit anything pretty for the masses to flock to.
He was short man, and the worse for it, as in battle he had not lost just his right eye, but he also had his left arm blown off.
This was not a man the modern era would ever chose to nominate to anything nor would it ever chose to follow in a short cripple, would be deemed something revulsive, and the question would be about surely was there not a pretty Admiral who could speak well and cause the under garments of sodites and Peggy Noonan types to wet on his presence.
There are very few George Washington types ever in history who actually are leader like in appearance and possess a mind gifted for both military and political leadership, as much as being able to govern their own plantation.
Napoleon was an extremely short man. Attila the Hun was an extremely ugly man. Moses could not even articulate a speech. Yet in them are the examples of the greatest leaders in history for rallying a disconnected peoples and rising to a new status of national prowess.
If one examines the national mood for the past generation, America allowed in John Kennedy an election thief, who was all the things of central casting in speech and looks, but he was a disaster.
Lyndon Johnson was a far more effective leader, but being ugly he was rejected by those who wanted to masturbate more than to the Kennedy memory.
LBJ though would defeat a snarling Barry Goldwater, as LBJ at least gave the impression he was an itchy wool blanket one could cuddle with compared to the sharp rock that Goldwater warmed the souls with.
Richard Nixon, who was the not handsome man Kennedy was allowed to steal the election from, fortunately won over a fat bald Minnesotan and a skinny growling Georgian, but was the victim of a coup from the forces against America.
What followed was an Annapolis graduate in Jimmy Carter, in a nuclear sub commander, but this failure in being chosen over bald Gerald Ford was not the winning smile for America.
Ronald Reagan was handsome, but "too old" and too "American", but he trounced the bungling Jimmy Carter and the central casting Walter Mondale of Minnesota due to American apprehension over Carter and Reagan's proven success.
George H. W. Bush, was Reagan's heir, who as a bald man defeated the shorter Michael Dukakis who was not bothered about questions of black men raping his Kitty named wife.
Central casting again chose William Clinton, who was young, handsome and sexual. Being a traitor and a rapist was what the public desired in having a boyish smile which made treason and rape more palatable.
Clinton would defeat the military hero Bob Dole, who like Lord Nelson was a cripple. Bob Dole was the obvious choice for an America having a jihad built against it, but Clinton was handsome, bribed Wall Street and he raped attractive women while bedding unattractive women, which evened things out in the end.
What followed was the relatively handsome Al Gore who was defeated by George W. Bush. Bush43 shifted enough votes to appear a winner, when America could not decide if they wanted to have their women raped again and turned into whores for Clinton 3rd term of crime and treason.
George W. Bush would defeat the smarmy Al Gore who had too much of the Clinton sleaze rubbing off on him, and then again the even more sleazy John Kerry who had more treason in his soldier pack, that America allowed more election manipuation, and George W. Bush was awarded the booby prize twice.
What followed was the foreign agent Barack Hussein Obama, sometimes British subject, sometimes Indonesian, always designed as a Negro, but completely Asian in his nefarious breeding program which spermed him into a brothel existence.
Obama was the cathartic ejaculation by Americans in the men who raped the little black girls in gang and sent them home to their black daddies and American women who were tired of white bread moral sex and desired to get soddened up by slumming with a Negroid.
None of which turned out healthy for America, as the disease of the Obama regime in robbing America's Treasury, murdering around the globe in favor of terrorists, bribing Wall Street and bribing the non working with welfare, brought the utter ruin of these United States.
When one beholds the survivors of the 21st century, there are no real leaders in the west, Africa, South America or North America. The few leaders who are capable are Putin in Russia, Kim in Korea and the revolving lot of plug and play turban heads in Iran.
While the axis with Bashir Assad of Syria, all attempted to be central casting, their main thrust has been an ability to slaughter elements inside their nations to maintain power. That is admirable in second and third world nations, but it lacks completely in civilized societies of the west or far east.
History has proven a reality that when the mob or the moneychangers are allowed to pick their leaders, instead of by natural selection of vigor like a Boudica, a Joan of Arc or a Deborah, then an Obama is what takes place.
Few are the perpetual monarchies which survive past a few generations, because the natural predatory tendencies coupled with the sham of caring for the masses rarely shows through, because those attributes only come from actual human battle experience.
It is an odd thing in battle that people choose the leader who is brave, not afraid, not being killed by the enemy as that must mean God must love that person, and it matters not if they are chubby little fat men of vigor who wear glasses like Theodore Roosevelt.
Yet when it comes to the fate of nations, the glamour goes to a George Washington and it casts aside a John Adams in not being handsome nor statesmanlike enough for the illusion.
I ponder if the great leaders really at times, only have met inferior pretty puppets other nations have put on display, instead of the natural huntsmen who rose to leadership as a George Custer.
It is a reality that in the 21st century, retarded leadership is the plague of the west, as much as the east, as much as the north as much as the south. When events transpose like that upon humanity, a natural predator simple arises and takes what the world mob will not take.
Was Lord Nelson superior or was it he met inferior masters. Was the English trait of the era to reward ability instead of that which please the eye their redeeming quality, a quality now lost upon that once great empire.
What will the world do though in an era of incapable chosen leaders upon meeting a predator seeking power they have risen to by natural ability?
The answer would be a Great Eurasian War fought with nuclear, biological, chemical and hybridized weapons to the thinning of billions of a human race reached it's finish.
Without a Christ, and no one eyed jacks, this time, the barbarian and savage forces will feed upon the world carcase started in this new dark age, in the Age of Obama.