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The Secrets of Chris Christy


As I am having a number of difficulties, heaped upon heap, you will have to contend yourself with the Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter in this exclusive today which I will not wait to post for tomorrow for personal reasons.

I can not leave the Rush Limbaugh assessment of what Chris Christy's call for bipartisianship go unanswered as Limbaugh is flat ass wrong. Christy is not about appealing to the "centrists" in stating Obama was just elected, and America needs to stay with Obama to make certain Obama continues to govern and not be a lame duck, but Chris Christy has had a strategy all along in this to gain the White House.

In a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter inside the Chris Christy 2016 election camp secret files, the following is the reality.

That infamous walk along the beach with Barack Obama was Chris Christy finishing off Mormon Romney. Christy would not allow Romney to raise funds in New Jersey, and it is the political case that Christy was ending Romney the way the Rovians started this machination for the Jeb Bush 2016 presidential run.

That beach walk with Obama is what this is all about, because this is about the dynamics of an election and what that beach walk was entirely about was not just the centrists who wanted to get along, but thee most important factor in this in the American Afroid vote.

Someone is going to inherit that 98% voting block. The odds on are that this group will vote for democrats such as the wife of first black President Bill Clinton, unless of course that Afroid memory is triggered about Bill Clinton saying "that bright boy Obama" and how the Clintons did everything they could to sabotage his White House Occupation.

Now look at the Christy strategy. He holds Obama by the hand, and then Christy whips the boy over Obamacare. It is a reality in this that Hillarycare came first. Obamacare will be an issue as will Obama in 2016.
Hillary is the closest link to the Obama regime and in the demographic, Christy is maneuvering for her to take the bad press and he will take the good beach hand holding good press.

Look this is going to come down to a race if Christy can maneuver it as an outsider, to Jeb Bush sabotaging Ted Cruise and Rand Paul. The Conservatives will vote as they do. Bush will attempt to gather in the patricians, but in that in voting crossover, what happens if Chris Christy brings home a black voting block melded with those moderates, and the anti Bush faction.

In that scenario, Chris Christy can win. Observe this in Iowa will go in caucus to the divided Conservative shills. In Christy's estimation, he might just bombast his way to a tie or win against Bush.
Christy then rolls into New Hampshire, and being a local boy trounces the field.

It then emerges into that arena of Conservative prone states, who have had enough Bush people and were Romney could not sow up the primary, as these John McCain moderates could not against the right. The solid South on Super Tuesday has a large black voting base. Again what happens if the beach walker with Obama takes the black vote in those states?
Chris Christy gains the momentum.

You can see then a Christy maneuver where he has a real chance in gaining the Republican nomination in the anti patrician Bush wing not wanting Jeb, that centrist group and a black voting block.

Consider this rotund Christy gaining momentum, and putting out feelers for a Ted Cruz in Texas to counter Marco Rubio for Jeb Bush.
Cruz is a shill, but he is not the pariah for the right that Rubio has become. In this political situation, one starts to see the emergence in the Chris Christy Files of Christy gains Conservatives, Christy gains latinos in Cruz, Christy has the patrician Rockefeller financier backers of the east, and Chris Christy in the national election has a beach walker chance of bringing home a large enough share of the Obama Afroid voters that he could gain a margin where Hillary could not steal the election.

Even if the Christian right holds it's nose again as for Romney, this enhances the Christy margin against Hillary or any democrat running.

This is what Chris Christy is up to. It is what that Mark Halperin piece was trying to destroy him early with in exposing Christy's criminal past, as the numbers are there assembled where Hillary Clinton can be beaten in a national election.

Now you know the Christy playbook, in his holding Obama's hand while slapping away Obamacare. Those are the two issues he can seize upon, against both the GOP and against Hillary Clinton.

It all comes down to once again Rush Limbaugh is lying to you or he is a half brain. No one else has done this as this blog has in telling you the way things will be in the future by God's Grace.

Does Christy have a shot at this? He most certainly does, a better one than Jeb Bush who will lose to Hillary Clinton.

It will come down to the Obama Afroid voter, combined with the Obama racist voter in the center who really wants to like Obama yet. Coupled with the anti Bush patricians, joined with the eastern Rockefeller establishment, making the Christian right again hold it's nose, bringing on Ted Cruz for the Conservative and Hispanic vote, and then that margin of the beach walker black vote........all tied to the fury over Obamacare and the idea that America had enough of Obama in 8 years, so we do not want him as a white cracker in a skirt.

Now you know the future battle and how it is already laid out in the Christy playbook. I will not be voting for him, but that is no surprise.

The business is information and this comes early, and it would be nice for the rich to donate a few hundred thousand as I have to be nurse and other things taking me away again.

For Christy it comes down to that Obama beach walk.

agtG 251

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