How long America?
How long America before we open the Drudge Report some morning over our big biscuit and see that blazing siren with the above photo and the caption reading:
B. Hussein holds bawling Boehner hostage
17 Secret Service Agents shot dead by Obama Rampage
Obama Outrage at 1600 Penn Avenue Predicted by Lame Cherry
(fascinating note in preview, the links would not show on the above links. Odd as they were for photos of the Salahis at the White House, the Salahis with Joe Biden, Michelle Malkin chix pix and Sarah Palin in a Lame Cherry t top.
Interesting things happen to the popular girl's blog in links are grabbed while being published)
Yes how long America, in this gun nuttery of B. Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin, blasting up Camp David he has admitted now, before Obama in the blood on his hands bloodies America even more.
Who was it but B. Hussein Outrage Obama who has still to prosecute fellow Islamist Nidal Hassan over Fort Hood..........even to call Hassan a terrorist or to even claim this was an act of terrorism from an Obama voter?
Who was it that let the accomplices of the Condom Christmas bomber go? B. Hussein.
Who was it that had a movie about the Sheik bin Laden corpse as it was such a delicious thing to him, but B. Hussein.
Who was it that allowed his dead friend, Col. Khadaffi dragged around Libya and then murdered in mass, than B. Hussein?
What about Benghazi and ANALGATE, in Obama has hours of anal torture rape of Chris Stevens, and has yet to find anyone responsible, as these were Obama's blood on their hands terrorists under his 2012 hostage taking orders for his election?
Who got 300 million in terror fund donations illegally in 2008 than B. Hussein?
Who was it that allowed that innocent, sweet, sugar and everything nice, Lara Logan, be gang raped by Muslim Brohood fingers to shut her up, and Steve Kroft would not even inquire, but Barack Hussein Obama?
Yes who went to Sandy Hook to fondle little blonde girls, who were supposedly dead, in relishing some necrophilia, Barry Chin AKA Barack Hussein Obama gets off on than, yes, B. Hussein Obama?
Who was taking names in 2009 of people who did not support him?
Who was boot on the BP throat as Obama flooded the GOP Gulf States with oil?
Who flooded out the Missouri River GOP states deliberately?
Who was it that went Predator missile crazy immediately in slaughtering the children surrounding terrorists, but B. Hussein Obama?
Yes America, how long is it going to be before Secular Islamist Obama, the man protected by Robert Morton, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity and the list upon lists, from impeachment and arrest, before Obama goes OUTRAGE, goes Islamic nuts, goes Muslim mania and invites the Republicans over to the White House for some card playing, and the next thing you know, John Boehner draws to an inside straight, and Marco Rubio has a pair of deuces and....yes...........John Thune is dealt the Dead Man's Hand of Aces and Eights.........
.........all with Obama accusing that sexy Kevin Yoder sitting on his lap without a bustle, dealing from the bottom of the deck and Obama pulls out his Obama hosers, a 12 gauge mag, double barrel skeet gun, and draws that horse leg, and goes to work with it blasting all the Republican leadership to hell.
Sure then the Secret Service rushes in and mad gunner Obama douses them with thing you know 17 latino prostitutes are not going to be underpaid for turning tricks..........and Obama grabs the red phone off the desk and starts threatening to hose off Netanyahu and others in this mad Muslim mania?
Sure as your coffee is cooling in this Obama Outrage, we will all see Obama dragging John Boehner on a leash, with Boehner bawling, as Obama screams out ALLAH AKBAR, and starts making demands......for things like 70 virgins.........the release of the Blind Sheik..........Palestinian Homeland...........Jews out of Israel..........death to America..........
What will happen America when Obama goes overt and actually takes American hostage with his favorite tool of a gun, the thing he strokes up at Camp David..........and no longer does things slow, but rams it in hard for effect.
Yes what happens when Obama whips out his sword and lops off John Boehner's head on the White House lawn and has Muchelle bury him in the toxic White House garden?
Is America prepared for crazy Obama? Does the Secret Service need FBI protection?
What about the US military, when Obama hits the nuke button and orders the US to nuke it's military?
What will Jill Kelly do? Will Obama lure her huge breasts to the White House for a 4th time to lure in David Patraeus so Obama can wreck his revenge on Dave?
Will Obama hold Paula with the large breasts hostage to lure David in if he escape the first entrapment?
Just to what lengths will B. Hussein Obama go when he snaps?
Yes what happen when the Headline is just OGO, and every one knows it means Obama Goes Outrage, in next week it is John Roberts coming clean on Obama blackmailing him......then it is Gov. Perry of Texas having Obama go off on him......then it is know the list......yes how long is it before Obama goes nuts in the headlines, and it is not just the headlines of......
Obama Goes Outrage!!!!!!!!
The above is not satire no more than, Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr........
Real people are dead, whose murders could be gotten away with. How long will it be in this Obama regime before murders of people now only blackmailed into Obama positions, are being sanctioned, beyond Andrew Breitbart and other key computer geniuses who opposed Barry Chin AKA Barack Hussein Obama and know his criminal secrets.
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