As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter...
I am puzzled frankly, but embark upon this further exposure of the burgeoning fraud of Rush Limbaugh, who frankly, I think should change his name from Elton Blonde to Barnum, as in reference to the Snake Oil showmen of the past era who were outlawed by standards and practices for lying to the public.
This is about Limbaugh in his book, Fleecing the Pilgrims, which is designed to get children "Rushized" like Mao's little Red Book in China, for a coming audience share as no young people have any attraction to this old lounge lizard gayly attired married to his adoptive child.
Limbaugh as has been outed here, is running this market share scam aimed at children in selling a book to their parents, to get the parents to indoctrinate the children for future market share.
I have mentioned that if Limbaugh was really interested as a multi millionaire in educating children, he would had given the book away in ebook or whatever venue he is promoting.
Hell with one sponsor, he could have printed up some acid paper books and given them away.
In that was the problem as none of Mockingbird, as was previous, wanted a thing to do with this book, as Limbaugh is a non market now for profit. The book's numbers are dismal and will not reach the million seller fiction list. The free commercials Limbaugh runs on his program have done nothing. Fleecing the Pilgrims the Obamacare sign up no sale of books.
What makes me revisit this is the fraud of Limbaugh in hawking this book, for on Wednesday, November 13th, Rush Hudson was reading "fan letters", most to the horse in the book named Liberty, which reminds me more of more plagiarism by Limbaugh in stealing that character from Disney's Rupunzel movie called Tangled as was posted here.
The problem with the Limbaugh "fan letters" is he says they are from 10 year olds, but they all read like they were written by Limbaugh hisself.
I know children as fans, as I do receive fan mail at times, and children do not write letters that sound like 60 year old cigar puffers in golf shirts. That is suspect as in Limbaugh's first fan letter was from Bo Snerdly who works for Limbaugh and in the vocal recording of the book, Limbaugh read a "fan letter" from an adult who was so impressed that a 10 year old in the book was giving scientific explanations for things.
Limbaugh stated he could not use the adults last name, but the fan said that Rush was so great at writing children's books....THAT WHEN HE RETIRES FROM RADIO that Limbaugh has a second calling in writing kiddo books.
Ok as an exclusive in this, that Freudian slip about "retired from radio" means that the Limbaugh Mockingbird funding dynasty appear to have reached the contractual end like blacks as a work force in Mexican wetback America.
The second exclusive is, who do you know as an adult, that goes out and buys audio books of kiddie books to listen to them?
I had a skirt once be puzzled that I was reading Alice in Wonderland as an adult. I never did as a child, so upon finding a collectors item book, I picked it up and read the work. If people at large are puzzled why an adult would read a child's book, which is a literary icon written much more for adults stuck reading books to their bratty children throwing tantrums before bed, then how is it that an adult Rush listener was buying a book for children and listening to it, who was not employed at a publishing house?
It is things like that, which just speak of absolute fraud and snake oil by Limbaugh, in which of his relatives or employees are sending in this propaganda?
I once ran into a television producer, or his tracks, in a most interesting tale. The man was a fat little bald dork, who made a career of being hired into no name television stations, running them into the ground and then being dismissed.
His entire plan was to hire the most disgusting, stupid, rotund and ugly Rosie O'Donnell forms (Donald Trump explanation) in order to appeal to all the Oprah audience women who did not want to threated by blonde hair and glaring white teeth.
This dork had a real following of former employees who hated him, and I found him on a message board saying what a great guy he was.......and the mediator immediately outed him in saying, "I know it is you posting all those wonderful stories about you".
That is what appears to be the Limbaugh plan on Fleecing the Pilgrims while selling more of that horse piss tea he markets all at taxpayer expense.
I take you back now to good nature Limbaugh as it is important in this, in Rush is supposed to be a free market guy and people are taxed too much right?
So why is it as Limbaugh hides behind his "donations to military cripples", whose donations are tax deductions which means you are paying those taxes which Limbaugh is not, that the reality of Republican economics comes to play in Ronald Reagan who said, "Why on earth should people have to pay taxes which are high to have them given back by the government? Why not just let the people keep their money?"
Yes why is it that in all of this if Rush was a true Reaganite, did he not just give this book away, and allow the people to keep their money, and to donate to the Marines themselves, if that is what they chose as a thank you the wounded in action?
It is because Limbaugh would not get any tax deductions in that plan which is divesting people of money.
While I have no inside information on this, I do expect the charge that Limbaugh is running a money laundering scheme in this, in which his horse piss site is charging the book part of the operation for operations as the program is charging for advertisements is taking place here, as it is sound Hollywood economics.
It is how billion dollar movies for studios always end up losing millions in the end, as the studios through tax deductions and through their own inside service entities, charge for thing which are tax deductions. Do that enough and a studio loses money, but in shell corporations makes money.
It really would be wonderful if the dino media would explore all of this, but as I have stated when you have the Fang Jinn and all the left media literally quoting Limbaugh in trying to prop him up, so all the half brains keep listening to Limbaugh to be mind warped by him, it is the point of more exposure of the fraud of what Rush Limbaugh completely is.
From Disney suing Rush Limbaugh for plagiarizing their horse, to whatever Rush cut and pasted in plagiarism to standards and practices finding out if these 10 year olds sit on the couch with the lovely Mrs. Limbaugh, are just things in the hype which like old Democrat Jim Wright of Texas was running as Speaker of the House in selling books with one word on some pages to Union buyers to raise funds.
All of this is new in book sales fraud, as could Limbaugh like Fort Worthless Jim be buying his own e books off Amazon via the Limbaugh golden EIB and then handing them out for some tax deductions to Veterans, it certainly is something which should be looked into.
It is easy as a multi millionaire to buy 100,000 books at 4 bucks a pop, all for market buzz, as that is a business cost which is tax deductable, so it someone else paying the taxes.
My suspicisions in this are the Limbaugh testimonials, the lack of Mockingbird backing and how this entire scheme is about market share and not about teaching children. When the base work of this has been plotted out this complete, then it is a conclusion that the numbers are being artificially inflated as no one in media cares a thing about this horse book.
Should there be a federal investigation of Rush Limbaugh in this book scam? Most certainly as it drove Jim Wright from the Speakership and has ruined many a pulpit preacher caught in creative charges inside the company.
What Limbaugh is up to, is really ham fisted, and it is not the smooth operation of a Hollywood studio or what GE does to not ever pay taxes.
The Rush Limbaugh Testiclemoanials are crying out in a bit too much off key voice. There has been far too much of this, and why is it the Obama regime audits Franklin Graham, but Rush Limbaugh in his schemes are never touched.....and it is Limbaugh is part of the steering committee on the right who helped defeat John McCain, attacked Sarah Palins daughter in chanting she could not dance, and installed Birther Hussein twice into the White House to keep the money powers in control as that is who Limbaugh and Obama both work for, and both are about keeping the American people from revolting and overthrowing this criminal syndicate which is America now.
When it walks like a duck and runs like a duck it was Obama, but when it has this horse stuff going on in tea time and Pilgrim fleecing it is Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, and those schemes are always defrauding the tax payers of money.