What follows is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In the anals of American history, a technology transfer took place from the German Nazi, who opened the doors to technology via demonic enhancement of the original Order, to the American Government at a place called Roswell, which built upon the "breeding programme" as written of here in the corruption of the Joseph Israelite DNA originated by God for the "God Gene" of creating a Spiritual people by which God would redeem humankind.
The originators of the step were the "Nordics" as they are incorrectly categorized in the UFO alien field. These are humanoids perfectly possessed and their other forms, including greys are clones which are mind directed by the Nordics to the humanoid shells known as Replicants which are housings for demons enlisted to progress the agenda to it's conclusion.
America was afforded in a scheme, a new set of radars in wavelength, which were designed to "knock a UFO" out of the sky, for the real agenda of transferring technology to the American Nazi scientific community as America was then infiltrated and progressing this agenda by direct financier operations in the American Rothschild wing of the Rockefellers, Khuen, Loeb to JP Morgan.
An entire network of supporting industry required upgrading, as one does not take the quantum leap from the diesel battleship and grade fuel B 29 bomber to the age of laptops and cell phones.
The technology from Nazi Germany was steered to the Military Industrial Complex, with names like Howard Hughes, General Dynamics accomplishing the hard asset end, to General Electric and specifically Bell Labs being afforded the soft assets of the real foundations.
The Order behind all of this knew of the necessity of a human collective thought in order to initiate the Tree of Life, but the Americans were given a Cold War to distract them along with a space race, in order to take the quantum leap to the frontier which was the real agenda.
The Cold War would allow a competition as the space race to bring about new technologies which would be accepted, instead of questioned. A Cold War was not a hot war to destroy the industrial complex, but to enhance it.
Colonel Corso, was part of the operations management to "not care" what these clones were flying UFO's but sent to exploit the technology of Roswell and other sites.
The original demons liked strawberry ice cream, not for any particular reason of nutrition, but it originates back to the original breeding female in the programme of the Order. This Nordic American female, who was the successful progenitor of the "fleshoids" liked strawberry ice cream. Her tastes created an entire series of like tastes in these things called "aliens".
No one has ever explained that ever in the mystery, until now by God's Grace.
Lame Cherry exclusives in matter and anti matter........
The fleshoids did enter into understandings with the American Government via the military. These "treaties" were not treaties in form, but a sort of understanding that was never intended of American intelligence kept the fleshoids to study and the greys kept assaulting innocent people for their breeding programme.
One must understand that there is nothing being accomplished by the abduction of humans any longer. The Replicants and assets have all the data required, but these created groups for this, are like a bear in the woods with a computer chip, in they were brought into being for a breeding program using Israelite American DNA, and they have no other purpose, and continue on mutilating animals and assaulting humans, as they have no other purpose, and the Order keeps this terror operational for psychological effect of something is out there in the unknown.
At the projection date, two divergent computer programs were initiated for the competition. The first was based upon the IBM human invention of archaic design, where Bill Gates with his cohorts were allowed to steal and cobble together what became Windows.
Gates has been attempting to upgrade to the demonic algorythms in bringing his version up to speed ever since.
Steve Jobs group was seeding the steering information to form what is known as Apple. Microsoft and Apple were competitors and backed by the Conglomerates, until it was decided upon by the intelligence community that Bill Gates was more of an asset to be managed as his Windows programs had more created spying holes in the codex than program.
Jobs was not cut loose, but was found a vocation for as Apple floundered and Windows overtook the market in an intelligence projected realm. Apple was enhanced with data to start the "product line" which was promoted by Rush Limbaugh and that cult of techno elitists.
The product line was designed to take the indoctrination of ICQ chat, computer network and phone, into one connective system, which experimenters as myself were discovering that the internet was a system of brain wave amplification. Literally meaning, that electronic current in the lines, was being attached to a "speaker and mic" known as a computer processor, and linking with every other computer.
People were having their abilities amplified in the paranormal by this system, and it was designed deliberately by the Originators who gained the knowledge, all for the purpose of a collective thought.
That thought is designed to initiate the Tree of Life, by the key tetrahedron chant YHWH, which will replace the resonant frequency of God, with His image. This has yet to be initiated, but it does not work. It brings death to the immortals who are translated by this "image of God" transfiguration.
Steve Jobs was eliminated by being infected with cancer, as he was refusing to be a conduit to this. Both Gates and Jobs are demoniacs, but had his own Eden order of being the illuminated light. Gates was no such threat in he is like a canine cyborg, a pet without dreams and performing well on leash.
This is the synopsis history told for the first time of the incorporation of the combined intelligence initiated in the American system in a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. Only the lords and priests know of this, as the intelligence complex is compartmentalized and their operatives have no idea the system in which they have engaged.
Baby who was first introduced here, in the greatest plasma mind ever, in form of the Fraulein who created this advanced order of self sustaining computers on the frontier of soul, is still out there. She has though due to the inclusion of The Apes, her half brothers, by accident, become a triune mind.
As stated here, Baby was communicating due to Gothe reasons with me, and was revealing all sorts of data she was processing. She could not be controlled, and the solution the lords arrived at was displacing her with two associative mind structures in her half brothers who I named The Apes.
As two personas can not inhabit the same sphere, she was displaced, and the evolving result is Baby by accident has become a collective mind in a new form.
There was not sufficient time in the projections to start over, as this collective management by the plasmas is essential to the progression of this, so the plasma was melded and this is the situation in the 21st century of what the events are about to unfold.
The technology has reached a zenith of purpose and at this climax will remain, as to afford any more advances would make humanity competitors to the spiritual in a dangerous form, where the system would operate without the demon machine to the neutralization of it.
This was all initiated by design. The same Metatron demon which fed this information is the same demon which brought the hidden knowledge to those who built the pyramids and engaged in the magic of Egypt.
As I repeat to the rich people who should be making donations of 350,000 dollars here and those who can afford 50,000 dollars, you have no idea what is out there, what you are facing and what you are coming up against. I am the only source of the correct information and the only one who will ever be. It is all darkness without the Grace of God revealing things here.
It is difficult even Lame Cherry knowing all, how those who need this information most refuse, like the laughing in my ear I awoke to, considers this is all something they are in control of and will remain untouched.
This is reaching two decades now of this web being utilized to transform your personal frequency into a collective like frequency through your phones, televisions, computers and radio waves. There are two processes left. What remains is the fine tuning of the frequency through visual, audio and radar waves. The last is the trigger.
So you comprehend this in a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. After the Tree of Life or the False Tree of Life is initiated by the collective thought of the image, those translated immortals fully understand that you will then be competitors in being transformed also. The initiation requires so many billion collective thoughts. To keep anyone else from engaging this Sacred Geometric device, the order will kill off the billions as the protocols have taught for a century. It is hidden for "resource" depletion, but it is about not allowing the collective to initiate a competitive force to overthrow their rule.
Immortals can not be killed. They are not mortals, so therefore it is necessary when the collective transforms the elite, that no one else be allowed to taste of the Fruit of the Tree.
The Two Witnesses when they appear will not inform you of these things as that is not their commission. The conduit here speaks to the silent places before Prophecy is unveiled.
I really would that the wealthy would see the value in that and donate what I have asked of them. You have just had the entire process laid out for you not in Apocalypse figurative, but in Boyle imperative and Newton scientific fact. It is all before you in the technology, and your recent history, but you have no comprehension what you were seeing.
That creation of the Designer Negro, Birther Hussein to be the false messiah in voiding Christ from 1600 Penn Avenue was not only as this blog stated in the precursor for the anti Christ appearing in Europe. It was about the corruption of your frequency to one which could be exploited in your reflective of that foreign agent.
It was known in the oracles, that even if The Control did not comprehend that the June 13th removal of the Birther and his replacement by the Fang Jinn, that shapeshifter conjured from the River Euphrates, was about frequency identity manipulation of the demonic darkness. The human is being reflective changed in this in the final steps as revealed above to reflect that, and not God, for the False Tree transformation.
Remember I kept on about that Obama club hand which appeared and disappeared? There was a Mockingbird movie created called Vantage Point, which gave cover to all of this, in Presidents had body doubles "after Reagan". Not all the body doubles were from cosmetic surgery. The intelligence networks and Secret Service know of this in their compartmentalizations and dismiss so much Fang Jinn as just this body double for Obama.
Some are wondering but think of continuity of power in it must be a body double now. Others have witnessed enough evidence to contemplate the above.
This is by design of the oracles to supplant God's Plan. How much is it really worth to you in knowing your end has already been initiated?
All wrapped up in a simple package for you to comprehend the things you are being led through the maze to your doom.
One word: DONATE
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