It is an interesting vintage of honey when the stingers are involved in the comb of life.
A man can have all the world taken from him, and still possess all that is in this world. One is most free when one has not lost a thing, but has finally been shed of all the encumbrances in the reality of what has always been the reality in what people have chosen long ago.
For instance, I had a most clever mail this day in an Azerbaijan "female' offering me wedship. I played this drama once and found the Mari blonde was using an email account from a Florida car dealership. It is a wonderful occupation in mother Russia to obtain a few hundred dollars from a series of males for "phone use" and one little syndicate can make a wonderful living in the old Soviet.
Odd in that, but better than having Jews in Tel Aviv buy your Slavic ass from Wormwood and sell it in the market there along with Ecstasy.
They always tell me that you can always find another country, and you can always find another woman. Same with children in I told my brother to find himself some new frumper to ride the rail upon and start a new line of offspring in his aging years, as no where is it written that a man can't start tooling a host of local hostskis as Abraham certainly performed the absolution after Sarah assumed the position.
I remember my Grandfather who fell off his C Allis Chalmers and then it rolled on him, breaking his arm. When he was in hospital the wife and sons, sold out the farm and him. Was a real piece of work really and that quasi religion of Jehovah's Witnesses got the lucre.
He did ok. Stayed with my Mom, but my dad was an ass to him, and he landed on his feet in having a little house in town, mowed lawns at the cemetery the hard way, and Jesus gave Him his reward in the end in Heaven.
I never know what goes in some women's heads and that includes wives. Children are at times like an open pocket knife, in being good in the hand, but not so much when open in the pocket.....of course sometimes you feel the blade should have did a cut to save the world from them as being a eunuch saved a great many men as harem keepers from Solomon's downfall.
Then sometimes in life it is like the old bulls in buffalo across each Continent in they sort of just pair off with the other bulls, and form a mutual admiration society free of the women and children.
I have seen more fat, bald, Big Bang Theory missionaries banging the hot 19 year old village girls as wives in the 3rd world. Somehow that sometimes just gets things done after the licking of the wounds takes place. I have seen wives haul off on husbands like my Grampa and in the end, the old gal was buried alongside him......which was about the damnedest thing I ever saw, next to my blood relative's wives after divorce taking back their Cherry names and that was after marrying some other men.
Bizarre ass shit. Sometimes I think women are just guano pile crazy.
I think of my Mom, never going near marriage of dating as once was enough in the old man. I think of my Beloved Uncle who came close twice to hitching things up, but in the end looking around and saying, "I got a pretty good pick up, a pretty good gun and a pretty good boat".
Thing is about things, they never disappoint even if they rust or wear our, as they are not like people who "put not your trust in princes nor in the sons of men", as people always disappoint and the devil finds a way to always use those close to us to kick us in the ovaries just about the time we are looking for someone to say, "You know that was really shitty they way you got treated".
People tend to grab things from others, to make up for the nothing inside. They never have enough and grabbing things from Christians seems to be sport for them as what proves God loves them more, than to steal things from a Christian and to retaliate on them as God is not around.
My Aunt Verna had a saying for bad times, "Everyone needs their dreams". Sometimes we never mean to go find ourselves some 20 year old Russian, even if the email is some clever come on to the popular girl in code in letting me know something they think they have cleverly found out. All the same, is nice to think we got that option till things sort out, as a man is more than cloth. A man is more than the sum of possessions. A man sometimes just needs to have a cup of tea as the treasure to look forward to.
I saw numbers of English doing that on their 30th cup of tea during the Great War on one tea bag, as that tea meant something to them, and it was the illusion necessary to get through in waiting for God to sort things out.
As I see by my clicking in getting a Kiev illusion, that my browsers are shutting down by spider magic, I should wrap this up. The thing is people need to know that they are never alone, and sometimes things disappearing is just a blessing in the next years, most of the trappings will disappear too.
I found out when my dad was taken out, what creatures my family were. Took a few more other kicks to the gut, but after Mom was hurt the last time, and the sisters took the wood to me, and my brother hid in the woods, I knew I was going to be gutted like a fish on the slow turn when they got the chance.
Imagine what that would be like in the Great Tribulation. So I started cutting ties with the rapid demoniacs and just frown over their hauling at the moon.
It is better to know the Jews are going to sell cripple you for orange marmalade to the Nazis before you end up in the ghetto walled in, than when the big war is going on. It is never easy nor fun to deal with any of it. Just have to move on one step ahead sometimes and leave the baggage behind.
I get tired of it all, in why after too many lessons I just beg for and allow me to be humiliated here for just the money for that place, so I could just pull the grass over me to find some peace away from the incessant works of satan from people.
The one thing God has taught me is life here is an existence and it sucks shit most days, and we fool ourselves into thinking it is happy memories. The only remedy is trust that God is as hard of ass on us as He will be on others, and in sorting things out, that there is always a better day ahead out there, and they do string together eventually.
The Russian Germans came to America from the Krim where the Czar lured them in, and then tried to steal their children as slaves. Those Germans ended up in North Dakota and bawled non stop. They ate tumble weeds and packed dirt into 2 foot walls to keep from freezing. They wouldn't go back as the boat ride almost killed them and by 1940 Stalin had murdered those who remained.
Yeah it is cliche, but the reality is everyone gets a bad hand and what life is, is just playing a bad hand the best in God you can.