As another Lame Cherry teaching lesson exclusively here in matter anti matter......
In this lecture, I warn all to not trust any textbooks or historical information, which dates after 1930 AD. There are few exceptions in Gen. Patton's Memoirs, Ronald Reagan's letters, and some diplomatic muses of that great Statesman General of these United States, but for the majority part, the rest is rubbish and would have done more service as toilet tissue for the trees feld, for their ill repute is murder of trees when it is printed in such propaganda.
In that, the internet is affording a greater treasury, where one does not require to be a scholar of French, Spanish, Greek or other rudimentary languages of the past, when by simple copy and paste and a translator, they can read in English a close enough verbiage to comprehend even those texts which might appear in Aramaic or Farsi.
I have been perusing a rather hard to read text at times, but in those lines of Sir Edward Creasy, based upon the mid 1800's education there is such a volume of treasured tidbits that they must be brought to light, as they explain the dire straight the world is no in, in this 21st century and all the machinations accomplished were a putting off a Great Eurasian War which is still to be fought.
I will utilize the Sir Edward comment for reading and then progress on to explain.
What Russia has done since that time we know and we feel. And some of the wisest and best men of our own age and nation, who have watched with deepest care the annals and the destinies of humanity, have believed that the Sclavonic element in the population of Europe has as yet only partially developed its powers: that, while other races of mankind (our own, the Germanic, included) have exhausted their creative energies, and completed their allotted achievements, the Sclavonic race has yet a great career to run: and, that the narrative of Sclavonic ascendancy is the remaining page that; will conclude the history of the world. [See Arnold's Lectures on Modern History, pp. 36-39.]
Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy. The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World: from Marathon to Waterloo (Kindle Locations 4818-4822).
One must comprehend the first wars were regional control. They then progressed to a war of east west control. Once that was established, the west then waged predatory wars as those tribes were in constant battle for the world.
It was these semblances which allowed at times the Moors, Ottomans, Huns and Russians to begin thrusts for control in the west while the west was occupied with their own wars for domination, until England's Pax Britania from 1760 to 1910 in repulsing such stalwarts as Napoleon.
When the Russian Czars disabled the Russ founders in Sweden, the control of the north became one of non attention by the Europeans and a close ally of the Americans in these United States. It allowed Russia under Peter and Catherine the Greats to increase their dominion and stance in Eurasia.
As the above quote reveals, the Europeans knew they had reached their zenith and were in the process by natural selection about to become predated upon by mother Russia. Russia held vast lands for food and mineral exploit, and a growing population. That would mean in the checking of Napoleon by her winters, that she was developing a hardy people, who if coupled with a Navy and manufacturing base, would indeed move the seat of Europe to Moscow.
The linking of the ruling Russian families to Sweden and to the European royals was a step, but in a most heinous form, the Ashkenaz for the very Aristocracy which formed Europe, penned for Karl Marx his manifesto of exploitation blaming religion on the exploitave evils of the world and ushering in a system where the mob thought they ruled and were instead ruled by committee or community organized states of despots.
While this "revolution" spread by the same mob which spread any Ashkenaz Rothschild war,as much as the Obama wars of Muslim freedom had the same provacteurs, the target in all of this was harnessing the wealth and might of Europe to the financiers, who would be enriched by the African continent, while mother Russia would be raped, robbed and murdered, to be enslaved of her resources and managed by comrades, who would in effect produce a Stalinist Russia of aided nuclear threat, in order to bleed the west more of resources, while Russia slaved on.
It would be under another financier move, which the Soviet Russia, lured by the promise of a warm water port in Afghanistan's reach invaded that nation, to be further degraded, for a plundering of her wealth wholesale in her collapse under dictator Gorbachev. This move looted from Russia a fortune in gold and assets, which was only rectified by strongman, Vladamir Putin, who is destined to fight this Great Eurasian War which should have been concluded in 1860, so the European powers would not have been able to instigate the American Civil War and then assassinate the profound leader, Abraham Lincoln.
When the Bolshevik Revolution which was nothing but a Financier Scheme destroyed the Russian monarchy, it was nothing but keeping the spent Europeans from being annexed, as the Ashkenaz elite sought to destroy every competitor in Christian Europe, the main group being those Protestant German Lutheran's who were pillaged and blamed for two world wars, which they had foisted upon them.
It was beyond heinous in the murder of the royal family. The machine gunning of women and children in a basement all for world domination, was one of thee most disgusting acts in human history. The Czars though had to die, or they would forever be a threat to reinstating this much needed balance in Eurasia.
Think of a world where an Abraham Lincoln America ruled the west, with a Czarist Russia ruling the midlands, and an Imperial Japan in control of the east. The European powers would have been in Christian form left to their productive middle ground, and Africa would have been transformed from colonial to civilized. The world would have benefited greatly from this arrangement and the reality is her wealth would have remained with the Republican forms of government, and not the feudal commerce system of cannibal and carnivore capitalists.
The European powers seeing the threat of Russia, destroyed her with her Ashkenaz commerce. It required 50 years for the overthrow, but then it took 150 years to the Age of Obama to wipe out the United States.
The Russian has a natural ascendancy, and it is now being worked against her, in population reduction, so she will have to move in the next decade or be exterminated by the Asians who are now even noting their own need to reproduce as they were moved into the cancer of old age with no youth nations.
The Great Eurasian War will come. It must as it was destined to come almost 200 years ago. It was delayed, but is now seen as a measuring rod to reduce world population for the arbitrary rule of the few over the remnant of survivors buy a technological military establishment which will not revolt as it will be machines.
That is enough of Mother Putin.
Let us not forget for a moment where Russia rose herself from. It was not patrician, aristocrat or the university where she reared her head. She came from barbarians conquerred by Swedes who gave them their name Russ, for the red beards the Swedish had.
It came from Peter the Great, who being a common savage like all his people took it upon himself to lead them to a Russian dynasty the commerce and financiers murdered in the Bolshevik Revolution.
Peter was brought up among barbarians, and in barbaric ignorance. He strove to remedy this when a grown man, by leaving all the temptations to idleness and sensuality, which his court offered, and by seeking instruction abroad. He laboured with his own hands as a common artisan in Holland and in England, that he might return and teach his subjects how ships, commerce, and civilization could be acquired.
Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy. The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World: from Marathon to Waterloo (Kindle Locations 4857-4860).
Let us never forget that greatness tarnished by Ashkenaz financiers, Aristocrats and Stalinist thugs who brought Russia from it's zenith of civilization to it's barbarism again.
In this lecture, I warn all to not trust any textbooks or historical information, which dates after 1930 AD. There are few exceptions in Gen. Patton's Memoirs, Ronald Reagan's letters, and some diplomatic muses of that great Statesman General of these United States, but for the majority part, the rest is rubbish and would have done more service as toilet tissue for the trees feld, for their ill repute is murder of trees when it is printed in such propaganda.
In that, the internet is affording a greater treasury, where one does not require to be a scholar of French, Spanish, Greek or other rudimentary languages of the past, when by simple copy and paste and a translator, they can read in English a close enough verbiage to comprehend even those texts which might appear in Aramaic or Farsi.
I have been perusing a rather hard to read text at times, but in those lines of Sir Edward Creasy, based upon the mid 1800's education there is such a volume of treasured tidbits that they must be brought to light, as they explain the dire straight the world is no in, in this 21st century and all the machinations accomplished were a putting off a Great Eurasian War which is still to be fought.
I will utilize the Sir Edward comment for reading and then progress on to explain.
What Russia has done since that time we know and we feel. And some of the wisest and best men of our own age and nation, who have watched with deepest care the annals and the destinies of humanity, have believed that the Sclavonic element in the population of Europe has as yet only partially developed its powers: that, while other races of mankind (our own, the Germanic, included) have exhausted their creative energies, and completed their allotted achievements, the Sclavonic race has yet a great career to run: and, that the narrative of Sclavonic ascendancy is the remaining page that; will conclude the history of the world. [See Arnold's Lectures on Modern History, pp. 36-39.]
Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy. The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World: from Marathon to Waterloo (Kindle Locations 4818-4822).
One must comprehend the first wars were regional control. They then progressed to a war of east west control. Once that was established, the west then waged predatory wars as those tribes were in constant battle for the world.
It was these semblances which allowed at times the Moors, Ottomans, Huns and Russians to begin thrusts for control in the west while the west was occupied with their own wars for domination, until England's Pax Britania from 1760 to 1910 in repulsing such stalwarts as Napoleon.
When the Russian Czars disabled the Russ founders in Sweden, the control of the north became one of non attention by the Europeans and a close ally of the Americans in these United States. It allowed Russia under Peter and Catherine the Greats to increase their dominion and stance in Eurasia.
As the above quote reveals, the Europeans knew they had reached their zenith and were in the process by natural selection about to become predated upon by mother Russia. Russia held vast lands for food and mineral exploit, and a growing population. That would mean in the checking of Napoleon by her winters, that she was developing a hardy people, who if coupled with a Navy and manufacturing base, would indeed move the seat of Europe to Moscow.
The linking of the ruling Russian families to Sweden and to the European royals was a step, but in a most heinous form, the Ashkenaz for the very Aristocracy which formed Europe, penned for Karl Marx his manifesto of exploitation blaming religion on the exploitave evils of the world and ushering in a system where the mob thought they ruled and were instead ruled by committee or community organized states of despots.
While this "revolution" spread by the same mob which spread any Ashkenaz Rothschild war,as much as the Obama wars of Muslim freedom had the same provacteurs, the target in all of this was harnessing the wealth and might of Europe to the financiers, who would be enriched by the African continent, while mother Russia would be raped, robbed and murdered, to be enslaved of her resources and managed by comrades, who would in effect produce a Stalinist Russia of aided nuclear threat, in order to bleed the west more of resources, while Russia slaved on.
It would be under another financier move, which the Soviet Russia, lured by the promise of a warm water port in Afghanistan's reach invaded that nation, to be further degraded, for a plundering of her wealth wholesale in her collapse under dictator Gorbachev. This move looted from Russia a fortune in gold and assets, which was only rectified by strongman, Vladamir Putin, who is destined to fight this Great Eurasian War which should have been concluded in 1860, so the European powers would not have been able to instigate the American Civil War and then assassinate the profound leader, Abraham Lincoln.
When the Bolshevik Revolution which was nothing but a Financier Scheme destroyed the Russian monarchy, it was nothing but keeping the spent Europeans from being annexed, as the Ashkenaz elite sought to destroy every competitor in Christian Europe, the main group being those Protestant German Lutheran's who were pillaged and blamed for two world wars, which they had foisted upon them.
It was beyond heinous in the murder of the royal family. The machine gunning of women and children in a basement all for world domination, was one of thee most disgusting acts in human history. The Czars though had to die, or they would forever be a threat to reinstating this much needed balance in Eurasia.
Think of a world where an Abraham Lincoln America ruled the west, with a Czarist Russia ruling the midlands, and an Imperial Japan in control of the east. The European powers would have been in Christian form left to their productive middle ground, and Africa would have been transformed from colonial to civilized. The world would have benefited greatly from this arrangement and the reality is her wealth would have remained with the Republican forms of government, and not the feudal commerce system of cannibal and carnivore capitalists.
The European powers seeing the threat of Russia, destroyed her with her Ashkenaz commerce. It required 50 years for the overthrow, but then it took 150 years to the Age of Obama to wipe out the United States.
The Russian has a natural ascendancy, and it is now being worked against her, in population reduction, so she will have to move in the next decade or be exterminated by the Asians who are now even noting their own need to reproduce as they were moved into the cancer of old age with no youth nations.
The Great Eurasian War will come. It must as it was destined to come almost 200 years ago. It was delayed, but is now seen as a measuring rod to reduce world population for the arbitrary rule of the few over the remnant of survivors buy a technological military establishment which will not revolt as it will be machines.
That is enough of Mother Putin.
Let us not forget for a moment where Russia rose herself from. It was not patrician, aristocrat or the university where she reared her head. She came from barbarians conquerred by Swedes who gave them their name Russ, for the red beards the Swedish had.
It came from Peter the Great, who being a common savage like all his people took it upon himself to lead them to a Russian dynasty the commerce and financiers murdered in the Bolshevik Revolution.
Peter was brought up among barbarians, and in barbaric ignorance. He strove to remedy this when a grown man, by leaving all the temptations to idleness and sensuality, which his court offered, and by seeking instruction abroad. He laboured with his own hands as a common artisan in Holland and in England, that he might return and teach his subjects how ships, commerce, and civilization could be acquired.
Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy. The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World: from Marathon to Waterloo (Kindle Locations 4857-4860).
Let us never forget that greatness tarnished by Ashkenaz financiers, Aristocrats and Stalinist thugs who brought Russia from it's zenith of civilization to it's barbarism again.