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Where the American OIl Boom really went Bust


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....

I was speaking with my cousin who is an oil patch kid and was asking about this that and the other thing, as doing satellite recon is not always complete without eyes on the ground salutations noticing things which only a local bird could see.

They were chatting on about things and then said that they were interested I brought up about the Warren Buffett trains, as they had seen something while driving through which puzzled them.
They noticed that in one of the dink oil towns growing up that rail tanker cars were lined up there and they had the word CHINA written on them.

No it was not expensive dinnerware, but the communist feudal state of China which had it's mark placed on Warren Buffett BNSF rail cars.......that is Burlington Northern Sante Fe monopoly railroad illegally owned by nation rapist Buffett, with the Obama regime criminal blessing by the messiah now chicken entree.
That is for background in this in it costs 3 dollars more per barrel to ship by train than pipeline and oil is leaking all over the place in spills from Buffett trains or pipelines polluting things.

As the exclusive in more exclusives in this, the question is why is Peking having oil tanker cars in the North Dakota oil bust?
Did not Rush Limbaugh, the Wall Street Journal, Mark Levin all inform us of the bounty of this American sweet crude..........yet there are rail cars stamped CHINA on the sides.......so what is going on here?

Surely or Shirley Steve Quayle the servant of all gold and silver in Montana would know of this, as he lives in that oil patch area, but is it not strange again that no one save this blog ever has any information on any of this.........and George Nouri....what was he telling people in his Quayle like guest of getting silver and gold, to bribe foreigners to let you keep your home which they were confiscating.........no explanation why foreigners with AK 47's would just not say, "BANG BANG BANG, that is my house lock stock and piles of gold with silver in it".

I digress.........

What I have exclusively reported is that oil was disppearing and I could not figure out where it was going, as it was gone and not flowing to Louisiana refineries this past year and a half.
It needs to be noted that the southern refineries are all set up for that high sulfur crude from Venezuela, and the Montana Dakota crude is high grade and refines itself.

What is taking place upon inquiry is as I said, in the North Dakota sweet crude is going in part to Canada or the Canadian oil is coming in by tankers to the area and it is being mixed with the sweet crude to give value to that horrid Canadian oil sands oil.
The scam in this, is this sweet sour mix is going apparently west and not south. Inquiry reveals it is going to the ports in Washington state, and then it is heading to China.

Ah, do you remember the high price oil gouge blamed in Chicago refineries being shut down for maintenance from May of 2013 and all summer with no relief as was reported here?

You do not suppose that the oil CUT OFF had nothing to do with refineries being shut down, but that Buffett and the Obama regime in May of 2013 started dumping vast quantities of this sweet sour mix on the west coast and that oil was all going to China........AND THAT IS WHY OBAMA DID NOT WANT THE KEYSTONE XL GOING THROUGH, as that oil would then go to Texas competitors who would not back the regime's Marxism for Texas feudalism?

Are you getting all this now in how this criminal rapine has been worked out and why Harold Hamm of Oklahoma oil interests which pumps the North Dakota oil, suddenly said he did not need Keystone XL as the oil was going somewhere else?

Yes as you are being raped at the gas pumps at almost 4 dollars per gallon gasoline, apparently YOUR AMERICAN OIL has been flowing to China which has nuclear missiles pointed at you and which fired an ICBM off the California coast in 2009 when Obama tried to make India a nuclear partner against China.............

Yeah, it all sort of is adding up now is it not.........you take worthless crude from Canada. steal sweet crude from American consumer and make a huge shortage and use a refinery shut down as cover......and then you mix that soup up and ship it all to the west coast and put it into China for record profits and "shortages" in America.

Only here have you now read of the reality of any of this in exclusive in matter anti matter as only Lame Cherry ever provides you know it all dimwits who never donate as you are so much more loved by God in being rich.

I know I have worked enough for nothing in this exclusive again.

Lame Cherry really does know all and you know absolutely nothing.

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