This blog differentiates entirely between blanket statements and realities. To state that all people are all the same is to state that all are heroic or all are to be treated as children.
The American black, that cross of Caucasian and Negroid is such a case in that person is disappearing rapidly from America in vogue of Designer Negroes as Birther Hussein Obama. There is a vast difference, between the legacy of the Martin King women folk and these creatures who voted in 98% mass for this illegitimate Barack Hussein Obama.
This is not to state that the King women probably drank the ghetto green kook aid too for Obama, but many were seduced by an image and that image was a false messiah.
In 1865 there was a Negress named Eliza who has been mentioned here. She was a remarkable self reliant woman and she was employed by Elizabeth and George Custer.
I relate the reality of Eliza as she as photographed with the Custers in she was not a welfare ward, but a most interesting woman in being both brave and wise.
The following quote from an Elizabeth Custer book about her life in those times is of note:
The proprietor, already rendered
indifferent to people's comfort by his extraordinary gains, said there
was no table for servants. Eliza, the best-bred of maids, begged to go
back dinnerless into the car, but the General insisted on her sitting
down between us at the crowded table. A position so unusual, and to her
so totally out of place, made her appetite waver, and it vanished
entirely when the proprietor came, and told the General that no colored
folks could be allowed at his table. My husband quietly replied that he
had been obliged to give the woman that place, as the house had provided
no other. The determined man still stood threateningly over us,
demanding her removal, and Eliza uneasily and nervously tried to go. I
trembled, and the fork failed to carry the food, owing to a very wobbly
arm. The General firmly refused, the staff rose about us, and all along
the table up sprang men we had supposed to be citizens, as they were in
the dress of civilians. "General, stand your ground; we'll back you; the
woman shall have food." How little we realize in these piping times of
peace, how great a flame a little fire kindled in those agitating days.
The proprietor slunk back to his desk; the General and his hungry staff
went on eating as calmly as ever; Eliza hung her embarrassed head, and
her mistress idly twirled her useless fork--while the proprietor made
$1.50 clear gain on two women that were too frightened to swallow a
I place that quote there again to reveal some historical proofs in one will never see the Hollywood leftist Mockingbird smearloids ever show the image that General Custer was one of the first equal rights advocates in putting into place true rights for all black Americans.
Here though is a reality of the 3rd Cavalry Division staff and now white civilian Americans standing their ground and implementing the law of the land for a black woman's rights.
Eliza might have been demure in this instance and shy, but she would be with Mrs. Custer in a flood upon the Great Plains, throwing ropes to drowning Soldiers and reviving them with medical attention.
This blog champions thee American black, but this blog is not swayed by propaganda nor the misconception that all blacks are Eliza, because even in her era, the General was sending freed slaves back to the land to work for a wage like Eliza was earning a living, as the black majority all were demanding a welfare ride in being not wards of the state, but royalty of the state in gaining all the necessities of life from government handouts, stolen from working people in taxes.
Without this blog reminding the world of the reality of history, defending General and Mrs. Custer, while pointing out historical reality that the Eliza's were then and are now the minority of the American black and America is a plantation of the Afroid, then the European and American powers will have won the Civil War as the Union has been destroyed under their Designer Negro, Birther Hussein Obama, in making America not a free nation, but a feudal state.
nuff said