I was watching with TL a popular workout which interested me as I approach all things as a threat from religion to peanuts when introduced as I wonder what in my protective nature is going to have to be dealt with.
The chief snake oil salesman is someone who looks like a lizard on steroids in having that look and sheen which is......I will just be blunt, the individuals who "work out" for a validation in life all are dopers. The narcotic they get is self manufactured in they are addicted to that 'feel' getting the same high Corey Haim, the now dead actor, said he got the first time he took a hit of coke.
Things are not as pretty as when one views these beach bodies in the reality of what is triggering in them. There is a phobia in the concern of getting old and dying, so they compensate by thinking they can stop the process, but just like muscular Jake Lalane rotting in the grave, there is no stopping the reality of the process.
To get like these affluent people do, and you do need to have wealth, as normal working people do not have the time or energy to invest fourteen hours a week in just "working out" or body morphine hitting for 14 hours a day, a human is getting a thrill out of it beyond what is normal.
I was watching this past week from the porch of TL's parents one evening the futility of man. I saw numbers of people being dragged by their dogs in the heat, numbers of people running, numbers of people power walking and numbers of people riding bicycles, literally torturing themselves in their affluence of sitting in air conditioning all day, and then going out in the high heat humidity to be "fit". None of them really were, and none will ever be, as these people are running from something inside they do not like, and they think that by changing the body, that inner soul whispering to them is going to not be telling them what they hate about themselves any more.
What p90x though troubled me by is not the self medicated doper running it with those zombie dopers that always are along for the ride, as these people always have to work out together as they feed on that too for validation in other broken people taking comfort in the misery. What I state though was troubling was the yoga which was thrown in.
I have written of yoga previously, but it must be addressed further in exposing it for what it is. Yoga is simply basic training for demon possession.
What do I mean by this? It is simple in the military uses extreme physical training to break down the mind, so that a strong body thinking it is invincible will do abnormal things in charging things which will kill that body.
Yoga in the sun, moon, and animal poses...........did you get that it channels the sun demon, moon demon and familiars of shamanism in the poses, in the p90x series, starts a repitition of "you can do the prayer pose or not", but by mid conditioning, there is the prayer pose as a pose and not as a starting point, so the person exercising is doing a pose not Christian.
Yoga in this method is self hypnosis, in the body is the pendulum swinging to open the mind or soul to suggestion.
You know what stretching feels like, that is the chemical response in the feel good. Add to that the group accomplishment or self accomplishment of stressful difficult poses one must focus on, one is in the physical creating the chant or the mantra.
Yoga is then a conditioning form to open windows to the soul for any will or entity to influence that person just as in a hypnotic trance.
I will repeat in this exercise series, it starts out with not needing to do the prayer pose start, but then incorporates that position mid way through, when a person is in a state of fatigue and that calming state.
I would mention that all little suicide bombers in Islam do not start out wearing explosive harness to prayers, but it is a process of conditioning so that in the end a person has no idea in recognizing what they have become. Possession is a subtle process that takes time, conditioning and the next thing a person knows is one drink after work at the bar has turned into 5 and you are in bed cheating on your spouse.
All of the eastern religions are about becoming something without God. It does not matter what they are teaching in poses or trances, it is all a process of becoming "god" and all that gets one to is hell.
I had not considered the usefulness of using fatigue and pleasure of body worship coupled with yoga as a technique for brainwashing in the mass market, but that was the success of many cults in focusing on a low protein diet with communal work to produce fatigue and the next thing you have is your head is shaved and a decade of your life is gone.
Every person must be aware of the traps out there in all things. I pick on sports a great deal as having once fallen to that, I hear adults speaking of "we" in professional teams like they own the team or are a part of that team in winning, and they get depressed in their losing.
That is absolutely ridiculus but the Roman circus. The Romans knew a great deal about controlling the populace as much as the Greeks did in breaking down the individual. Those celebated cultures took little boys in Sparta, turned them into animals by teaching them to rob to get food and then raped them annally by their "mentors".
Rome, my children, you have that today and do not even realize it in your boulevards, plazas and skyscrapers. The Romans learned that if you have wide streets and provide a gathering place at the center of a city, and surrounded it with high walls, that when the mob rioted, they all could rush to the city square, where the few soldiers with spears could block off the boulevard and contain the entire insurrection imprisoned in those high walls of buildings.
All people have been so conditioned that they do no even realize stores with many aisles are all created that way to enclose you so that the only way out is to ransom yourself by buying things you want.
Everything in this life has to be looked upon with "What did the powers that be create this for in promoting it" as nothing in this world is available unless it has a measure of societal control in it.
Look at golf, basketball, baseball and football replacing hunting, fishing, trapping and horseback riding. Why is that? It is because when a population is playing with balls to spectate, instead of learning martial skills to keep the government in check, that it is a deliberate devesting of that people of skills Americans once had.
Children once received Red Rider BB guns, but now get Nintendo where they are taught to be aggressive to others in dehumanizing people, instead of accomplishing something in marksmanship in a slow non frenzied process.
No the elite does not invent everything to mould the masses, but they do see trends and use them to condition the masses to the outcome the cartel desires.
Ever wonder why Jesus did not do yoga? How about why does the military not use yoga? Jesus was not interested in breaking people down to possess them, and the military was not interested in possessing souls, only minds to get them to charge to their death.
Why is it that people who feel bad about themselves and then have these fitness gurus appear and intimidate the mass population for "not being what they are" never have one intelligent individual ever stand up and expose the psychopathy of all of this in, "Hey muscle dude and dudette, you are a morphine doper, an addict, suffering from immense phobias of dying, and the way you chose to manifest the solution is to not look to the Spiritual in Jesus, because you are incapable of that, so you chose the obession route of the physical to medicate yourself to a delusion like a drunk with a gallon of wine every night".
Want to see aggitation over things in these doper hulks having that expressed to them? Just make that known and they will erupt emotionally in an instant and try to intimidate you, because you have pealed off that thin veil of the lie of their existence and left them naked with no covering.
All of the cults have their triggers. One of the most amusing cults is the Tiger Woods self cult, in this kid was conditioned to be nothing but golf and started self medicating with sex morphine triggers which brought it all down. Now he is "winning" but not the big matches and when he misses a shot he blows up with profanity, as he is nothing wihout the illusion of golf in the perfection he is....which he is not.
I want you to consider Elizabeth Custer for a moment. This is a woman who loved thrills. She was doing things women were not supposed to do from riding race horses, going on military campaigns, and yet did the "womanly" things of entertaining, needlepoint etc..., along with a focus on God.
When her husband and family were murdered, she was without anything, and had to find a way to live and she started writing books and lecturing.
She was well rounded in education, and had self confidence to try things as her husband helped her to experience new things, so when the time came for her to stand on her own, she was more than ready, and did not have to rely on being the widder wife of someone defined by that.
You do not have to be a celebrity to "be" someone in life. George Washington is someone I look up to, not because of his fame, but he is a person I view as perfection in being Godly in nature, he had a farm he managed, he rode horse, hunted, was a Soldier, a statesman, surveyor etc.... He was the epitome of what Americans were as a whole like Benjamin Franklin as inventor, investor, politician, printer, writer, scientist etc...
America is about responsible liberty in becoming a well rounded person. The cartel conditions everyone to be singular and imprisoned in themselves as not satisfied and looking for an escape from it all and away from God.
If you like exercising, then as long as it is not your entire persona, exercise as much as I like building things to validate parts of me, but it can not become all of you, and always be aware in life that the cartel is in satanic subtle ways always trying to get you to move off course from God.
Instead of praying to Jesus in p90x, why just self hypnotize yourself and leave the doors open to some demon, as you worship a body in shape that in a few decades is going to be dead.
...........and that is the problem with it all in when you are dead and you have wasted your entire life on a tight ass or a good golf swing, that does not redeem you to the Father. Only Jesus does that, and reflecting Jesus is Life while reflecting muscle tissue which rots is death.
There are so many pitfalls in this life and so many false teachers paid to entice every human block to their own weakness and downfall. You must recognize them and put on the armour of God to deal with this, every day.
I have the same weaknesses as every person. Some by experience I was saved out of, and some like being a celebrity is nothing as it has no appeal.
That is enough of this as I have to see what the pet Mexicans are doing as they are busy this morning sounding like woodpeckers.