As America is being shot up at the Navy Yard, Rush Limbaugh is busy expounding upon 18 trillion dollars was looted from the US Treasury......yes says the world in the Obama bribe bailout in the staged economic collapse of 2008 to install that foreign agent, but be real in it was all American.......and if "they" admit to 18 trillion the number is closer now to 33 trillion looted and put into cartel accounts.
I will caveat at this in, this was not all "Jew banking" money, as Lehman and other subordinate Jewish interests were wiped out by the bigger interests in this scheme run by the Ashkenaz financiers.
So to expound upon this..........
Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, the turd, pontificates about how bad this is.........and yet it could not be that bad "as there would be soup kitchens" as his blonde daughter he is married to consoles him on the sofa over all his screaming at the television........
Ah earth to Rush Hudson, America is full of soup kitchens and it is called FOOD STAMP WELFARE and it is called STOCK MARKET MONEY DUMPS FOR THE RICH.
The reason you did not see Dirty 30 conditions, is because a portion of these trillions were used to keep the poor masses fed and watching television at home, so as not to riot, and to keep the rich people from knowing how dire things are, in money dumps into their stock portfolios so it all appears America is making money.
Almost 4 dollar gasoline and milk prices reveal that America is in an Obama Super Depression, even if ivory tower Rush Hudson can not see it, no more than the rich non donors here who constantly steal information to look informed.
What the turd needs to stop lying to people about is Rush Limbaugh was money dumped like all rich people in the sub prime Ponzi Scheme which was designed to cause all of this. The reality is Rush Hudson Limbaugh AND EVERY ONE OF YOU RICH PEOPLE WERE ALLOWED TO KEEP YOUR LOOTED MONEY by this additional 18 to 33 trillion dollars money dumped into the system to destroy the Middle Class, but to keep the poor from riots and rebellion with the rich living on cake.
Rush Limbaugh like the entire Boehner to Obama regime to all of you non donors are all part of this Leviathan cancer which ate America. You can pretend how patriotic you are, but the reality is you have money which was stolen from Americans which destroyed America and what was the free western peoples. It is all gone, and no matter how much you lie to yourselves that "things are good and you had no part in it", you are responsible.
Now for the place I live in the future, where is where your dead bodies are being gnawed on by dogs in the street.
Russia, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Venezuela.........what is the thing all have in common when they crunch came? They eliminated their wealthy class as they were a danger to the regime system. When the crunch comes to America, it is not going to be shooting the poor, but it will be the silent slaughter of the rich.
Go ahead and think you are going to be able to run to Paraguay or France, because they will not allow your money to follow you no more than the Chinese can get a yen out of China.....yeah I know the currency.
So the Limbaugh propaganda acts like he had absolutely no part in the destruction of America, when he destroyed talk radio for his benefactors in Mockingbird in the centralized blood sucking status of his scripted programs. He was paid millions in a shell game which bled radio dry in concentrated markets......and where did the money come from? Yes it all came from the coffers of debt run by the Ashkenaz Rothschild banking schemes to impoverish nations for their overthrow and control.
This turd Limbaugh is what this entire Paperclip control system is about. It rewards the fraud propagandists to distract you while it strangles the popular girls on point in making certain the money and the message never makes it to the masses.
Rush Limbaugh must have thee most dense geezer and squat at home audience of Stock Market welfare tramps to be so out of touch with relatity to suck up this kook aid he spews out in his Too If By Tee in this golf lounge lizard.
I wonder at the no remorse of these stock market welfare types who are part of the economic rape of America and act like they are innocent.
The fricking US economy has been dead expanding at barely 1 percent for 5 years. Inflation has been 11 percent. That is a loss of 50% of the economy and these stock market trollers all think that "the economy is fine"?
Sure it's fine when workers get nothing for cost of living and the cost of living goes up 9 more percent a year. It is beyond bogus and it is beyond delusional. It is beyond time that all of these people start taking responsibility for their part in all of this as that money came from America's grave and they benefited from it all.
For the reality, America could be at 50 cents per gallon gasoline as in Ronald Reagan's time, if her own energy was just produced and gouging was not allowed. It is bogus all this nonsense about cost of drilling that has been put out. They inflate prices in order to hide behind the reality that oil is being inflated to destroy free economies.
Just think about it you dolts...........think for a few moments in if Saudi oil was flowing out of the ground CHEAP at 25 cents a gallon gasoline and those same wells in the North Sea........the American Gulf.....Texas.......Alaska......and deep earth oil wells in Russia were all making money on the same Brentwood pricing, and those wells never shut down, but numbers were capped until prices could be inflated as was always intended, then the reality is production of crude oil was uniformly profitable at the Saudi base price, no matter what the bullshit was about deep sea or oil drilling in America costs.
See you will never hear this, as the oil barons fund Limbaugh and have this all sowed up, like all these monopoly pricing gouging the masses, while the rich get their welfare payments on Wall Street.
It will not be the great phobia of "higher taxes" that Limbaugh lies to you about though, it will be the the reality of what Stalin, Mugabe, Castro, Chavez and whatever is the Fang Jinn then, will be exiling and exterminating you.
The rich are usually too stupid to flee and end up in poverty and curb kill, as the money holds them in place too long and they never prepare.
I detest liars and frauds and the swindlers who prop up Limbaugh and the Obama regime from realtors spiking housing prices, the oil barons spiking gas prices and Wall Street bribing shareholders in their last meal.
There is no difference in any of them from the left or right as it is the same feudal system in operation producing the propaganda.
I keep on this witness of Truth now until I suppose the regime reaches in and does more than changes my passwords on internet access. By that time you richtards are going to have the regime reaching in ending you.
I have to write these posts on a word type program, because the cursor freezes and things disappear as some people have started noticing has been taking place in their correspondences as noted here.
You will notice as I always point out that Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and whatever never have experiences like switchboard problems nor glitches, because they are the Temple Whores.
Just because you are too dense to notice the surveillance you are under, does not mean you are not being probed non stop. Just because you are a millionaire or have your high speed internet on demand does not mean your time is not coming. You are just being lulled to sleep by Rock the Cradle Limbaugh and your Wall Street accounts.
What I would appreciate was going off grid as would be my intent with 350,000 dollars, and then a few time a week doing my alerts from a public facility to alert you of things and then disappearing.
In dreams, I have found a few places of defense which would do my mentors proud as I recognize lay of land defensible positions by instinct..
Odd how the one you rich people have smugly though you did not have to donate too, has now become the place your entire wealth is staked on, and without the voice here, you will be flying blonde.
It was all hauntingly familiar...........
Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks Tribute White Winged Dove...
Jul 16, 2013 - Uploaded by Maximum Tribute Bands
This is the premier Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks Tribute called White Winged Dove! You will be stunned ...Limbaugh is too arrogant to know or is too Judas Goat to inform you, that it is not higher taxes coming AS THEY ARE ALREADY HERE, but the feudalists are gouging it all back in inflation.
You rich economically retarded dolts with your big investment accounts have not figured the game that INFLATION has already robbed you of more than you took in bribes. It is all resetting before your broker eyes and you are clueless.
Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......sometimes my babies and brats the operation is not exciting or sexy as they do not desire the mob to pay attention, so they bore you with it and it is only that mournful tone in the brier patch alerting you that the dove in the shadows in warning you of more to come.
No appreciation though, as you pay your brokers, pay your lawyers and pay all the money whores, but why pay Lame Cherry for telling you what took place as it is only a dove song.....not the Mockingbird notes you think is a bird of profit.
....and DC state police say that 2 other shooters may be at large.........probably like Gabby Giffords, Sikhs, Sandy Hook, Joker..........and will just be one shooter again, unless this is a conspiracy for a much more Putin prize.......
Wearing military-style uniforms...
agtG 223