Thursday night as all of you were tucked in sleeping, I was having a particularly difficult time of it. The reason the fabled Lame Cherry never slept was due to being under constant battle in spiritual attacks as satan does not want the information here to ever come out or me to be in this world.
The past months have been trying. I will preface this with most of my life would have had all of you putting a razor to your wrists long ago in suicide. I realize the things you endure, but I have an especial difficulty as does TL in we are both sensitives and empaths, to the which by the Holy Ghost we are more inflicted upon in feeling things, and from nasty notes, ill will thoughts, to outright prayers of self will to all this other regime demon machine, I take and feel massive hits which require days to recuperate from.
That is normal for me, but with Emma being murdered there has been one continuous wave of evil flooding over myself and TL. It's effects are horrid.
In placing that understanding here, I was unable to sleep and up around 2 AM, after writing and being self indulged bleeding in Spirit. I happened to get some water and noticed there was a red glow in my yard. We have a yellow street light, so red is not the color which should be seen.
I immediately thought, "What is on fire now?", and started looking out the windows as there was this rosey glow there, and of course I could see nothing in buildings here nor in some field on fire. I checked the sky, thinking perhaps it might be some aurora manifestation.
I went to bed and had another bad day as did TL, and was moved to inquire of things on this this Sabbath and I found something surprising.
Who I saw and this was a who was the same person before in Michael the Archangel. I wondered why the light color had changed as this was etheral red instead of that white. I asked if the light was different emotion and it was not, or if it was against me and it was not.
The reason the light was red was a battle was raging about my home. Upon inquiry satan was here attacking with demons, in something generated from someone I will not go into that I had let my guard down with.
I will make note of this, that I have mentioned the injuries I have had, and they have been a number of them, the past year or so and become worse. I thought I could absorb them, but now this has to be put to an end as someone elses will is not going to be allowed to continue this assault.
See satan operates through spiritual windows or wills of others to get at you, and it does in the worst possible ways. I often in listening to God am open to all windows so I get a major shot like in a fight leaving myself exposed in gaining information for here and life.
What I saw was a Spiritual spiritual battle in the color of it, going on over TL and myself. It has been grueling warfare and exhaustive in the pain. I will now upon understanding change my will to project out in not being no more Mr. Nice Guy as I have had it, in I will not allow TL to be inflicted upon any more.
I conclude that we are on the correct path and close to things, or this type of vehement attack would not be taking place. Yes all of you rich people who should be donating, are part of this too in your not donating is satan operating upon the will of others and your selfishness. That though is not going to stand as the money will come and the sapper will be in the wire now doing battle with Christ and the Holy Angels.
As with Elisha showing the scribe all the Holy Angels on the mountain in the fight, I saw the glow of such a battle and all Christians have this warfare in battles engaged over them at times too.
From my experience now, you have more understanding to when these situations are taking place against you in what is behind them, and what is the stand which must be made in your will aligned with Christ for the victory.
Other things to type, so nuff said.