So like it is like this in God apparently likes rubbing my nose in things when I do not need it, but I do appreciate the reminder and all, but it would be nice if God made receiving money this easy in donations.....
So like I have these beans, as I experimented in trials in beans for food for survival for all of you. Beans suck really as you need like an ARPENT, that would be French for like a 1/3rd to a half an acre, and then should have some kind of threshing thing, I could build on an electric motor thing with beater for the beans and then a fan to blow things and a straw walker to seperate it all out.......never mind on that.......
But I try these beans and one variety was Arikara Red, because I hate those Great Northern beans, I think it was the Hidatsa had...taste like dirt mixed with shit, not that I make a point of eating shit or sampling the cesspool.
I am a Navy Bean gal.....and well I like Hidatsa Shield Figure too......never mind on that, as this is about God and beans.
So I get these beans and plant them like 5 years ago. Not that impressive, but I get like a plastic vitamin bottle full of them.......that is where I keep my seeds mostly in old plastic bottles when dry.
So like I get them, plant them, and they flood big time as I think I am out of seeds.
So I find some more seeds in a bottle by Elijah miracle thing and I plant them like 2 years ago in the garden.......and the goats decide they like to eat them, it is hot and dry and I get a few bean seeds and am not impressed as is late and they are wet looking.
So I plant turnips in the spot last year....turnips did not pan out either along the fence, so I planted nothing this year except spuds there.
So I got the spuds in the ground and I notice these beans coming up here and there, and think, "Oh those are European or Kentucky beans" and not one to kill things, I just hoe around them and leave them to grow.
So I got weeds, and that was good as God was using them to feed Emma as when she was dying she was really picky. Some weeks she would only eat fresh alfalfa, some weeks tree leaves, and some weeks mallow and some weeks lambsquater.......these were lambsquarter and I picked the leaves and is what Emma and I would visit over at 10 oclock as night as she snacked and I sat there with my girl.
God does provide.
So these weeds get big after Emma is finally murdered by all of you evil people and then as I said the weeds get big as I mean to pull them, but I was off meeting with TL, and the weeds got big.
So I finally get out there and start cutting weeds with a brush trimmer, and I notice this bean vine with beans on. Interesting I think in that Kentucky bean produced some pods in 90 plus degree heat that fried the farmers beans and corn like a blow torch went to like 120 degrees in the yard here.
So I waste not want not, and pick them and bring them in........then I cut some more weeds and find some more pods......Mom finds some too as we feed the weeds to the goats...told you it is waste not want not here in being poor.
You really should get it through your bratty brains that weeds are nutritious as in Amaranth (pig weed) and lambsquater in they are full of Vitamins more than spinach and grow tasty even in horrid droughts.......make great greens and probably something you should figure out so you do not have to eat shit or get penned up while waiting for regime food handouts one day. I have told you this, but you never listen and prepare no more than donate in the hundreds of thousands as you think your shit does not stink and that you are so loved by God that you will not be eating shit.
Anyway enough of that lesson.......
So I get inside.....have some European beans and shell out a few Kentucky and then start on these red beans, and think, "Are these European purple beans or what?"
I shell some more and figure out from past experience as I know beans, that these are these Hidatsa Red Beans, grown in North Dakota back when the Sioux were trying to genocide the whole lot, along with the Arikara and Mandan.
So where was I?
Ok so it is like this I get to shelling with Mom, and it is allot of beans.....big lot of beans, and this is from just one plant, as these are half runner beans, meaning they get half the vine length of the big pole beans.
I planted and raised these things with care in a row of plants and I never got this kind of haul in those beans. One plant God plants, after that seed must have laid in the rain, winter, snow, freezing, heat and bugs for two years, and God sprouts it and makes it grow into this pile of seeds I now have saved.
Of course it tempts me to plant them. After all this one plant produced what looks like two cups of beans which is a big harvest....all in super drought with no rain and all just growing free in my spuds and running up weeds, that I am stomping around in pulling leaves off of to feed Emma before she was murdered by the evil lot of you.
Part of me is angry about this........about the beans and not Emma as am still furious over that and will not be appeased until God has retribution or appropriate financial restitution is made. It is more frustration in seeing God just do His thing and not even try in the worst conditions, and He rubs my nose in it in this huge crop of beans from one plant that of course is a remarkable genetics to have.........just the same I am thankful, but am pissed about this as I ask from God the same type of things in blessing in all of this life He has given me, as I know He can make money appear that easy and make anything good appear the same.
I watch this stuff as my other beans pretty much sucked due to the drought, but here is this God bean doing something impossible mixed in what looks like a pissy potato crop too boot.
I do not appreciate red beans nor black that much, as they turn your ham in bean soup black or red...prefer Navy beans, but Monsanto screwed that pooch to make me sick, so I do not eat them, and have to do this other thing.
Just the same, I appreciate God's miracle and am grateful for it while doing well to be angry and laugh at the amusement at my expense in a lesson I already knew and believe in that unless God plants it, it will not prosper.
...and yes it is Hidatsa red bean, and not Arikara, as the Arikara is a yellow bush bean which did not prosper here either....of course God was not planting them either. I get them mixed up as those tribes were all together and getting the genocide treatment and now like the Crow act all friendly to the Sioux as the new propaganda is out that all Indians were brothers in fairyland.
I hate this though as am probably going to be suckered into planting these for next year to dismal results, but what God can do is amazing to me and I am grateful. Be a heap big easier if God would just plant the garden and I could be off doing something else like folks used to do in planting corn in Ohio wilderness and then coming back for the harvest.
Yeah and the blackbirds, buffalo and elk or Indians didn't eat that corn plot either.......that God is something in Faith.
Blessed seed lays there like two years, with me roto tilling and hacking all the time, and then it sprouts with me hacking the spuds and pulling weeds to feed poor Emma, and it goes and produces a big harvest.
Oh I forgot that the goatikins trampled that area to a hard pack for 6 months for that miracle seed.
God put a hook in the jaws of the rich to donate and I could pay off the national debt or get busy in that Paypal account as this was ......... I did a rough Monk count and it was like a 600 fold increase from one seed. That is better than Jesus was preaching.
Amazing thing this God at work.......He builds America to a trillions of dollar nation as leader and when Americans boot Him out, it faster turns into a trillions of dollar debt.
I ask God to take control completely over my life, finances and all, and for those who are His and will to be blessed too, as He can do it with beans, He can do it with dollars and whatever too in the Name of YHWH, Amen and Amen