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The false prophet of Rome


The transformation of this Jesuit who helped oust Pope Benedict has been interesting to observe, as he conducted his bona fide "staged exorcism" , then went to Brazil to sanctify sodomy and now the most interesting doctrine of all in Pope Pater has just manifested Christianity to Conscienity.

Yes the said representative of Christ, thee only begotten Son of God on earth, has just said you do not need Jesus, in His being thee only Way, Truth and Life to the Father, Who is in Heaven.


Pope: You don't have to believe in God to get to heaven...

It is personally intriguing to me to watch the false prophet of the Bible manifest from the propaganda of being this sickly old man who is devoted to the poor, to a person that is an abomination that makes desolate.

There is a warning in the Old Testament in Judges, in "everyone did what they thought best" in obeying your conscience, as that kind of reality brought the gang rape of a woman, after they tried to rape her husband, and he in turn cut her up into 12 pieces and sent her through Israel to all the tribes to make war on the culprits in Benjamin, and it in turn almost wiped that tribe out......which was only saved in the men went out and kidnapped a bunch of dancing girls to marry to continue on with the tribe.

Judges was bad enough, but when one has the leader of a called CHRISTIAN religion, now teaching that you do not need GOD to get to His Heaven, there is something absolutely anti Christ in this, because it is.

There is a reason in the Bible that there are numbers of martyrs murdered by this European New Roman empire which is developing, because the beast or the empire turns on the whore of Babylon which is the Catholic church, and you can witness the manifestations of what this anti Christian doctrine is going to be marked upon the Faithful Christian and Catholic.

So those who do not know understand, Jesus is the Thought or Word of God. Only by God does Life come and Jesus in creating all things, meaning people, is thee ONLY ONE WHO can ever redeem people to the Spiritual, because only by Him does the Holy Ghost come into people to transform their souls into Spiritual children of God.
If Matt Drudge and the heathen British press get it, that this Pater just told everyone that God was not necessary for salvation, as only the saved are allowed into Heaven as hell is the alternative FOR THOSE WHO REJECT GOD, then this is a message that is an abomination as even the unsaved are getting the point of what is taking place in there is no Christianity without Christ.

I fully realize the hazards of what I have just been moved to do in exposing all of this, as this Pater is now satan's own. This Jesuit is worse than Judas Iscariot in the betrayal of Christ, as Judas was furious over the Christ not establishing an earthly Kingdom then where Judas would live like a king, but he later threw his 30 pieces of silver paid him by the Jews into the Temple and then went out and hung himself, where by his guts burst out of his abdomen from the fall.
Pope Pater, has done far worse to God and this Pater is not repenting, but moving on from the abomination of sodomy to the blasphemy of not needing God.

Thou shalt have no other God's before Me.

Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Thou shalt make no graven image.

This Pater just shattered the first three Commandment and this Pater just shredded the Old Testament and the Gospel.

I personally am quite delighted in this Spirit wrenching revulsion I feel, as this is another sign this Pater is the false prophet and while the anti Christ has seemed to be quite shy, that son of perdition is certain to be not far away with the Vatican official policy being "people are their own gods and God is not needed to get into Heaven".

That line is important as when one has an anti Christ and the coming message that perhaps we are all star children sown here by some space race, and perhaps Jesus was just some dead alien, and now a new savior will come illuminated by satan who was just misunderstood......then what his Pater is sowing for satan takes on new interesting meanings.

If these reprobates would just get this war started, I could then have a much easier time of it, in just pointing to Prophecy in the Bible in fine tuning events so people would understand, instead of filling in the silent places as has been my labors these years.

In the next years, the "miracles" should come as this blog stated a few months  back the process of this Pater giving itself over to the demon was completed.

You rich people and well to do lurkers behind your screens really should have been more friendly to the Prophet in those big donations. Money does not buy you into Heaven, but not having me upset with each of you with an anti Christ lurking about as the false prophet paves the way........would have done you a whole lot of good for what is come.

Nothing like entering the final phase with God angered over your mistreating me and me pissed over it all, and on the other side there is satan, the anti Christ and the false prophet who want you dead.

Maybe you need a bigger pile of money to hide behind in this Spiritual battle.

nuff said

agtG 255

I, La'me Cherry, confess before all that Jesus is the Christ and my Lord and Savior, as thee only begotten Son of God. God of God. Light of Light. Very God of very God. Begotten and not made.

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