I am at this moment, delighted, even with all the weights of the world upon me, as in a breeding project destroyed as it was not in God's time during my youth in preparing for the end times, I have the above finally for a seed plot.
There will be code words in this like Nothstein and Reeds, for the people who know such things, but I put those names there of corn varieties, simply to note, the above is not of those varieties.
What most of you have no idea of, is that American corn will not grow from seed the farmers raise. It is a genetic mule and designed that way to keep farmers buying high cost seed of this frankenfood which grows like weeds and animals will not eat this shit.......as it is based on algae that survived in a pool of herbicide named Round Up created by Monsanto, and the rest is poison food history.
Perhaps if animals will not eat that shit, and will go nuts over the old varieties I have growing in the same area, then perhaps that is something that should be of note to humans who are too idiot to figure out what is poison.
Two years ago I tried growing this variety of open pollinated corn, which means I can grow the seed as it genetically will reproduce. I got a nice crop and through satanic windows, mice ate the whole damn thing to my shock as I had it harvested.
Last year, same plot, but this time the birds went nuts and ate every plant I had.
Yes this is food and livestock goes crazy in trying to eat it, as it is food.
That is typical in my work, as I have to create everything from scratch, including a flour corn the Indians grew in it takes me two years to just get the variety acclimated and then another two, to get seed for a field plot.......providing rats, birds, or weather does not kill my work.
This corn grew during a high temperature drought. That really pleased me. I was doing what Oscar Will and the original seed growers do in, you pick the ears hanging down....as ears on corn that stand up, fill up with water and the seed rots........oh you had no idea of that eh?
Then there is stalk strength so it does not break in the wind, the ability to keep corn on the stalk and not drop off, the need for a closed end on the corn husk to keep birds, rodents and corn borers from destroying the crop......all sorts of things go into corn.....including picking the ear with small cob size and the ability to dry down.
I am quite smug in this, in I planted this corn on June 5th which is late, and I harvested this corn September 8th. Literally that is less than 90 day corn, which means it will grow anywhere in America. I have the answer to low production Nothstein in brittle stalks and the too long season Reed's Yellow Dent.
If by God's Grace, I can plant a plot next year, I will have enough to produce for a field.......that of course means I have to keep it away from Monsanto poison corn...and the host of other things like raccoons to grasshoppers.....and in two more years I will have corn for the reality of having food, when the large producers do not have chit for farmers.......and then what are you going to be eating there my children?
Yes while all played, I have been struggling. It would have been so much easier if some rich person had just donated what I have been begging for in 300, 000 dollars, so I could get a place with some land, and get all of this work onto a scale where I could have that seed supply expanded, instead of this desperate small scale.
People never think of things that one person like me, has the ability to save all of you. There is not any seed supply in this world literally any more for this. Corn without the major suppliers would cease as a crop from sweet corn, flour corn to corn for your chickens to eat, in one upheaval, as the farmers in America have none of this seed, as they all only have access to that 150 bushel poison from Monsanto.
Does my little gem produce 150 bushels and acre? No it does not, but it will do 50 to 70 bushels in the old studies I have gained access to. It also will produce in a drought apparently and it will produce food animals and people can eat and not die from.
I was counting seeds on this corn, and it vital in this in genetics as the corn on the left runs around 500 seeds and the third one a little over 350 per cob. See what you do not understand in missing the above is small kernals on a fat cob with many rows, produces more seeds while a longer cob with fewer rows, produces few seeds as the kernels are large.
It is interesting in my playing with this corn, that the one cob was drier, meaning it was drying down faster than the others which is also something one wants to not have in moldy corn crops. Genetics plays a roll in all, and in ears of corn, I have the basis for three different varieites based on structures......of course having the resources to grow them out.
I have something in my possession that only the government and a handful of others grew this year. IF I could get resources, I also have from Canada a certain plant in the number of 5 which could feed all the hungry too.
I do all of these things while all of you play and run from one firestorm of a story to get off on it before you go to the next exclusive.
What is going to happen when the electricity goes down and you have no internet? You do know that all groceries have about a 3 day supply of main food, and would be sold out on everything if the rioters do not loot the whole thing within 2 weeks.
I have seeds for life. Seeds which are irreplaceable and seeds which require a few squares of land, tractors to till and the human to tend them who is not struggling non stop.
You have no idea in any of this in modern agriculture those monster tractors and thousands of pounds seeders, require a massive support structure........what happens with a fuel shortage when oil access is denied in Obama Jinn wars?
You going to pull that implement with horses? Too bad as there are not thousands of horses to pull one of those huge implements.....and all of the small seeders are scrapped.......oh except the few I have as I was planning.
So in one season without fuel, without seed, those big Monsanto fields you are depending on all grow up to be weeds as you starve. It will be hoes and backbreaking work in those who grow things will not share with those who are hungry.
You did not even read Teddy Roosevelt's books on Winning the West to know that CORN was what was planted by the pioneers as it was the one crop which required no tending nor work, as they hid in the dug outs from death.
Wheat only arrived when society was not in riot.
I have that life in my hand, which means your lives in my hands. The day will come when you will not have millions enough to buy one ear of this corn as it is the only thing which will grow......hell you don't even know about parched corn to make it something you can eat. You know nothing in your piles of money and behind your computer screens.
You keep fiddling when Rome burns, and you delude yourselves into thinking you are safe. You have no idea how food is produced and have no idea how precarious that food production is.
I can not save you by producing this seed if I do not have the resources to supply your astute agrarians in your region to build all of this back up after your life is all gone.
For the rich, I need money for the use above. I am not going into business with you, but I will produce a seed supply which will be viable for the next years ahead when things are not going to be viable. That is the reality and time is running out for you grasshoppers as this ant has been busting her butt trying to get this all together.
I am telling you to donate and give yourself a chance.