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I become perturbed when I am forced to have to answer assinity in these fools like Conrad Black, a foreigner of British extraction, making comment on what is great about America or defining America in his biased books, which abound with the Dinesh D'Souza mantras of all of these transplants being paid sums of propaganda money to tell Americans what it is to be Americans.

Yes, I want an Indian swammy to tell me what it is like to be John Wayne, as who the hell needs John Wayne or Ronald Reagan in the American Experience, when I can have some British twerp shit in an American toilet and pronounce themselves all knowledgeable about being a Yank.

I though with this scat pile have no tolerance for it. This blog defined all of this in 2009 in Birther Hussein Obama Chin was going to deliberately bring about utter ruin to America, when all of these "Obama like" immigrantees were too scared to call Obama a Marxist as this blog first did.

Obama for his European handlers has been on a scorched earth mission for America in murdering US Soldiers in fire holes to murdering US Citizens in Boston in more staged warfare events to blame North Korea, but when the North Koreans blackmailed Obama, then it became some Chechen dupes on a burn notice.

ALL OF THIS SYRIA machination IS by design like this Designer Negro Obama and his now Fang Jinn shapeshifter, in order to make America such a pariah, such a murderous bad character, that when an anti Christ order shows up, people will flock to the kook aid worse than they did for Obama.

If you can handle it, the real term for this manifestation of a demon taking the form of Birther Hussein is OBAMADDON, which is a melding of Obama the Chinoid agent of the Eurasian feudalists and Abaddon the destroyer from the pit. That incorporates the physical form of Obama Chin and the demonic form of a Jinn.

Black starts his piece with Anglonesia, a case of not noting that the British were sent to the bottom of the leader pool by the interests which ate his Soviet Union and France....Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan as of late.

Not since the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, and prior to that the fall of France in 1940, has there been so swift an erosion of the world influence of a Great Power as we are witnessing with the United States.

Just because one speaks with a rogue British Canadian accent, does not make one intelligent, no more than posting worse meandering metaphor than this blog does on occasion to educate

It only requires a few lines, simply put in, Barack Hussein Obama' real name is Barry Chin. He was bred by the world cartel to become a cancer upon some country like Kenya or Indonesia, but infected America as a foreign agent to bring down the United States to utter ruin.

That is not so hard to comprehend as the world is full of stooges indoctrinated in feudalism from 3rd world countries in the west and east, sent home and they are the puppets now raping those nations for the global order.

For Conrad Black's understanding and yours, America never had any influence. America had money and that promoted lust in other countries who feigned friendship, but America has always stood it alone, while misusing it's military power to little effective effect.
What America is now is simply a Mockingbird subplot of propaganda in the Age of Obama, when the Designer Nig promised everyone the same pie, and all of these countries filled with lust, are not able to stick their cocks into that cherry pie, because there are too many cocks for the pie.
Same as Abraham Lincoln in promising too many people the jobs in Washington after his election to get elected in stating, "Too many pigs for the tits".

People are being moulded to be upset, so a new sugartit will be made available from this same Conrad Black order that in their intellectualism is played by the cartel masters to "think they are brighter than the other sheep in the pen", when all they are is adept at never shutting up in writing so much in such meandering bullshit that people just give up out of boredom as it is too hard to figure out a mind jacked up on it's own British fucking.

There are no Americans running America, and that is the problem. The mass population as Steve Dace correctly put it, are a people who want a welfare state and not pay for it, and want morality, but desire laws to make immorality moral.
Americans are children who are too trusting and too lacking to pick up firearms and start a revolution to French guillotine in cleansing their nation from the traitors and agents of the cartel. Conrad Black is sent to reinforce that like another stooge in Ashkenaz Russian Mark Levin wearing Reagan's shroud in telling the people to wait for the next election, because then all will be made right.

Yeah Jeb Bush already stole the GOP nomination and Hillary Clinton has been awarded the White House........yeah that Conrad Black really knows his stuff in this corrupt gulag which is America.

Assinity, are all of these keyboard whores in all they are is paid liars meant to stroke you to a big AH, to keep the people from rising up, so this corrupt system of election theft, stealing of public assets and outright murder of the Citizens continue on.

Track Conrad Black, and wherever he appears will be the mark of the Mockingbird feudal propaganda press.

That is the only use for anything Conrad Black.........unless you Americans all want to write books about what it is like to be a Chinese, as Black is writing books as a foreigner in what is right and wrong with America.

nuff said


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