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What is Revolution


In a doctoral thesis, this Lame Cherry blog in matter anti matter exclusive embarks upon an examination in a 21st century era, of what is a revolution, because America under the guise of foreign agent, Birther Hussein Obama completed a revolution of the feudal state begun under communist Woodrow Wilson, cemented under communist Franklin Roosevelt and cemented under communist Barack Hussein Obama.
In each step, the American Republic became the American Democratic Republic, the American Socialist Republic and finally the American Feudal State, but in this gradation, what is the reality of a Joe Stalin burning down an industrial plant, a Mao marching his hordes, a Ho in guerilla warfare to a Saul Alinsky using the mechanism of the state to gain control over the very people who are the trusting souls.

What is revolution in reality, when the very manipulatorial elite are the ones using Jesuits, a Mexican slave labor breeder force, a financier elite to inflate a native class into poverty and creating a system where the laws of the nation make criminals of the Patriot, what part of this is revolution and would they ever be a modern device when a people or a revolutionary is faced with an electronic policing force which snipes the groups before they could ever plan and act through provocateurs or actual digital surveillance.

In that, is electricity an enemy, an ally or a weapon, or could it be all of the above and it simply is a new Alinsky stink bomb when implemented in the hands of the revolutionary.

Consider thee most successful revolutionary ever in George Washington. His protocols were simple in one did not inflict upon the populace, but kept them neutral or in place until the British inflicted upon them with their military presence, as Washington  bided his time in losing battles and planning for a final victory with French naval and army assistance to a cornered British.

When one faces a large opponent one goes small and when one faces a small opponent one goes large. That reality is a realiity that the leviathan which a people faces is not massive military or police state, but an electronic presence which the thin lines of force use to intimidate with in putting out flames before they become fires, and if a fire erupts, to use a devastating blow of might to convince the mass of people there is overwhelming force which can not be resisted.

The reality is, there are not enough military nor police to police any nation. It requires a bluff and choke points to control the masses. Rome did it with central plazas and wide boulevards to herd mobs into captivity and the modern world afflicts the same measures in the 21st century using the highway and the communication lines in which to track the Citizen and neutralize them before they could ever assemble to act.

In that a reality becomes clear, in the thin lines of security rely upon electrical currents to maintain order to intimidate the mob.
As in Washington's protocol, it would be of no benefit to cut the electrical power as it would alienate the masses, there is more of a reality in the saboteur of Vichy France or the Ranger in the Philippines in if one blinds the enemy or makes the enemy deaf, then one defeats the enemy  by making them handicapped.

In a modern world, the Muslim Brotherhood to the Vietcong would engage in horrific brutality to gain victory, but such intimidation in working, also creates a fear which produces a state which is feudal and not one where the masses will prosper and become a great nation as America once was.

For that reason, a small army with guns is not a modern revolution, but a small army with electrical devices is the revolution to blind and make deaf the enemy, while not alinenating the masses.

This is the asemetrical warfare the American military applied in opening stages in the Iraq Wars, for their electronic warfare blinded the Saddam Hussein regime in false signals, computer virus and fused electronic military systems.

The key to a revolution then in a modern era is to not activate the military of the host nation, but to leave the military to protect the revolution from forces as the Eurasians who would invade in a Civil Disturbance if the military was made blind and deaf.
In that, the police state will activate as it is activated already against the Citizen. The key then is to deactivate it and frustrate those behind it, so it can not be activated again, and their efforts would be futile.

Blinding and making deaf the surveillance and tracking systems is the key then to a revolution in the modern era, as once that is completed the mass would be able to move freely and not be targeted.

The elements of these electronic guns would be such devices which would fuse and burn out computers, electronic systems and communication gathering at concentration points, while leaving the power grid up for the masses to not be alienated by the operations.

Electronic guns would be deemed such devices as electro magnetic pulse or EMP guns, which can be military complex, but as simple as a metal bar with various coils of wire wrapped around it, electrified, and with an explosive device at one end detonating to the other end, produces a break in the current and EMP pulse when aimed at electronic facilities.

One could by invention create a same coil in various effects as that is the basis of the digital coil in the modern gasoline engine which operates at 60,000 volts. Ramping up the volts is a matter of expanding the coil. For that matter, a new invention utilizing the arc power of electricity based upon a literal lightning strike in a coil type device would be a like electronic gun.
The simple matter of attaching a device to an inner circuit of a computer / surveillance center would produce an operation which would require only a moment to set up and a moment to fry an entire center. The same circuit breaker you have for your computer and other devices to protect them from surges in lightning is the same lightning in a coil which would be an electronic gun which no Faraday Cage could protect against, as the circuits would be fried from within the building, bunker or complex.
Granted an EMP electronic gun would produce an effect not requiring hands on, the opposite would be the hands on of attaching a device and amping up the arc ability to fry circuits which would never be capable again.

In expanded reality, would an airliner with such an EMP device be capable of dealing with satellites in space from high atmospheric flying to make blind another segment of that police state which the modern revolution would be engaged in to make blind or deaf.

The ordeal is that the modern police state is expensive and when it's apparatus is neutralized it is not readily repaired nor reinstalled. The Twin Towers surveillance system did not reaquire operational strength until 2008 when Birther Hussein unleashed it on political rivals.
Seven years in one choke point neutralized on September 11th, 2001 before the system engaged fully again.

That is the basis of this, in the modern revolution would be one of systematically taking away surveillance cameras, wire tapping in all forms from computer to phone, and the coordination ability while leaving the public mass system in operation for the mob to not be alienated by in non availability.

The neutralization of the electronic surveillance web assets of the police state is the isolation and uncoordination of that thin line of tyranny.
The mob does not possess an affinity for an apparatus which watches it, and would appreciate it's neutralization.

In like context, for a period of an annual budget, the neutralization of the tax collection structure the mob would appreciate, as long as the services rendered by taxes were not denied them.

The modern police state leviathan is one of electronics in choke point coordination to centralize intimidation from a finite source. There are never enough of the police state to administer every section of a nation, and deprived of electronics it is without means of intimidation or control.

This is a new era of control by concentrated means. It is beyond the thug mob of Stalin or Mao. It is where the thug mob is reliant not on numbers, but on electronics to concentrate number effectively.

Granted the revolution which begins to neutralize such a system would be defined terrorists as swiftly as George Washington and the Founders were, but there is a reality that two hundred revolutionaries, providing fuel for transportation, utilizing "blind zones" to initiate their operations, could blind and deafen a modern police state before the apparatus could react to it.
It would require a realization that the police state would upon being deprived of their surveillance would redirect through military means and secondary systems which would be required to be neutralized. That window though would be months and in that window, the military would be necessitated to be convinced to allow the revolution to continue as the military would be focused upon national security and not domestic.
Showing the military that in non lethal operations, but in frying electronic boards, that the revolution was not a threat, would be an asset as much as this realization to the masses, that they would be unaffected, by those who were removing the intimidation of them, would warrant that window of operation to end a tyrannical regime.

It is interesting in this thesis, that the "sapper in the wire" of old is the sapper in the wire of the modern era. Where one cleared ways through defensive wire the other clears ways through electronic wire.

The moment that a patriotic group comprehends that and Andrew Breivik was using the incorrect devices and should have taken the Norwegian surveillance system on instead, and made it too expensive to replace so that it was no longer capable of the overthrow of Norway, Norway would have been overthrown without one death and become a Viking land.

Hitler and the Nazi mob provided a Krystalnacht of a few SS taking over a German nation. The same effect of not breaking glass, but current for a willing German or a modern American people would in reality produce the same results.

George Washington proved an entire nation could be liberated in correct protocols. Birther Hussein Obama proved that an entire nation and world could be enslaved in correct protocols. It is the person in leadership who dictates whether a revolution is just or evil as there are many linear and non linear forms of overthrowing the state. A new method is the electronic gun in taking from the state the ability to police and intimidate the masses, by making it too expensive and time consuming to be rebuilt, and the system then collapses upon itself.

What is revolution, but a more effective way of neutralizing a state which is antiquated to transforming itself to a more evolved adaptation of using the existing system against itself.

Lame Cherry


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