The problem with being right about Syria is what my concerns were in this in posting the time line, it would throw the time line off to a reset.
Art Bell mentioned this in hurricane steering in if one kept one offshore, then would it make it more intense.
This blog by God's Grace has been exactly spot on in the Syrian time line. From the Birther Jinn's own port hole came the confirmation that the strike was to be on the eve of the 31st, exactly as was posted here before it all manifested.
Now though there is the major problem in a carrier group lining up, and more destroyers. I suspect the revelations here threw all of this off, and now Fang Jinn wants Congress for not cover, but blame as those WMD events will be blamed on Congressional delay and that is about 2014 elections.
This is a malevolent time in all of this in this blog posts of the Assad Syrians manifesting with American counterparts and then the story the FBI is tracking Syrians in America is published.
Logic dictates as this simmers, it will become more grandiose and more deadly. It will coil tighter and when the energy is released produce a worse cataclysm.
Since Thomas Jefferson sent in the Marines to Egypt and Theodore Roosevelt put the poop deck no grande display, the Navy has always been too prone to be swashbuckling, instead of pronouncing sound foreign policy via Congressional approval. Too many toys for Oval O's to play with and too many political officers on ships looking for promotion makes for a bad brew in this in bad policies. Too many dictators spoil the American mystique.
I currently do not have the time to examine this deeply as much as not enough financial resources. So what you get is the Lame Cherry proven right again with projection points.
Logic is too much investment means the regime will have to over reach. That al Qaeda announcement of WMD's on cue, means more staged events, just like Obama knew the WMD was WMD like bin Laden's DNA before it could have been.
This is spinning out of control in a spiral downward. There are forces engaged in this, and I mean Vladamir Putin in what was published here, about cutting off the head of the leviathon before it can do more damage to "Snowden interests". That is tracking on this week too, and has more priority now than it did before as we are not speaking of cursie missiles in tomahawk, but what are the odds that there are nuclear warheads involved in this......and the reason that carrier task force showed up is not over Putin, but someone in Iran decided to intimate that more firepower would be dispensed from there and Qatar and the other outposts would not have sufficient check power for the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf.
When the toys are moving, there is a reason the toys are moving, and it is the Navy directing on known intelligence data.
My inquiry is of two weeks ago proper on the American staged events. They are growing in probability in manfesting in this. That means those in the richtard enclaves and the screeners who are in their high speed net are part of the target structure.
TL is reading the events are projecting for the Jinn again this week. I though will leave it at that, no time and no big cash means the dark shroud has those groping in the dark for the answers which only can be found here.
Let's sing......
Workin' too hard can give you a heart a tack ack ack ack ack
You ought to know my now......